TU publishes MA Results

TU MA First Semester Result (8 November 2024)
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Balkhu has published results of MA 1st Semester for various programs.

1. Economics, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

2. Psychology, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

3. Social Work (SW), MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

4. Sociology, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

TU MA First Semester Result (23 Oct 2024)
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Balkhu has published results of MA 1st Semester for various programs.

1. English, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]
2. Fine Arts (Music), MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]    
3. Fine Arts (Painting), MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD
4. Fine Arts (Sculpture), MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]   
5. International Relations and Diplomacy (IRD), MA, I Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]
6. Nepali, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]
7. Political Science, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]
8. Rural Development, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

TU results of MA First Semester Result (23 Sep 2024)
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Balkhu has published results of MA 1st Semester for various programs.


1. Anthropology, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

2. Counseling Psychology, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

3. Crisis Management Studies (CMS), MA, 1st Semester (2024 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

4. Dance, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]    

5. Gender Studies, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

6. Geography, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

7. Hindi, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

8. Journalism and Mass Communication, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]
9. Labour Studies, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

10. Maithili, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

11. Nepalbhasha, MA, 1st Semester (2023 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]   

TU results of MA Part I First Year 2079 ( 28 July 2024)
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Balkhu has published results of MA Part I First Year 2079.

click [ HERE ] to view result

13 June 2024:
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Balkhu has published results of following:

- Governance and Anti-Corruption Studies, MA, 2nd Semester (2022 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]
- Home Science (Child Development), MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Home Science (Food and Nutrition), MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Library Science, MA, 2nd Semester (2022 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Buddhist Studies, MA, 2nd Semester (2022 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Buddhist Studies, MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Conflict, Peace and Development Studies (CPDS), MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]
- Governance and Anti-Corruption Studies MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

-  Hindi, MA, 2nd Semester (2022 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

-  Hindi, MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Library Science, MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

-  Maithili, MA, 2nd Semester (2022 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

-  Maithili, MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

-  Nepalbhasa, MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

30 May 2024:
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Balkhu has published results of following:
- Sociology, MA, 1st Semester (2022 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

 27 May 2024
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Balkhu has published results of following MA programs:


- Counseling Psychology, MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch) [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Crisis Management Studies (ICMS), MA, 3rd Semester (2021 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

- International Relations & Diplomacy (IRD), MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Social Work, MA, 4th Semester (2021 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

- Sociology, MA, 3rd Semester (2021 Batch)  [ DOWNLOAD ]

Posted on: 2024-11-09

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