TU 3 Years BSc 1st Year 2075 exam routine published

Update: 27 July 2018
TU changes 4/3 years Bachelor's first year and LL.B Second year exam routine for some subjects [ VIEW NOTICE ]
Changes in 3 year B.Sc. 1st Year
> 3 year B.Sc. 1st Year : Examination of Botany/ Meteorology-311 will be held on 28 Bhadra, 2075 as per new notice. It was scheduled to be held on 27 Bhadra 2075 as per old notice.
click [ HERE ] to view official notice regarding changes in TU Examination Schedule
Previous Notice:
Tribhuvan University exam controller office has published the examination routine of 3 years B.Sc 1st year 2075.
The exam of 3 years B.Sc 1st year starts on 2075-05-15 (Chemistry-311) and ends on 2075-05-28 ( Botany/Meteorology-311).*
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The examination time has been set to morning shift (7:00 am - 10:00 am)
EXAMINATION SCHEDULE of 3 years B.sc 1st year given below:
EXAM TIME:7:00 am - 10:00 am
Date: 2075-05-15
Subjects: Chemistry-311
Date: 2075-05-18
Subjects: Geology II 311/ Computer Sci. -311/ Env.Sci.311
Date: 2075-05-20
Subjects: Mathematics-311/Zoology-311
Date: 2075-05-21
Subjects: Physics-311/Microbiology-311
Date: 2075-05-24
Subjects: Statistics-311
Date: 2075-05-26
Subjects: Mathematics-312
Date: 2075-05-28* (as per new notice)
Subjects: Botany/Meteorology-311
TU exam routine of 3/4 years Bachelor level (BA, BBS, B.Sc and B.Ed) First year 2075
Posted on: 2018-07-27