TU 4 Yrs BSc 3rd Year 2075 exam routine published

Updated on 23 April 2018
TU published a notice regarding revised exam schedule for 4 Years BSc. 3rd Year 2075. As per notice, Phy - 304/ Bot - 303 (Elective) subject of 4 year BSc. 3rd Year will be held only on Jestha 10, 2075 (May 24, 2018).
Updated on 8 April 2018
Tribhuvan University, office of the controller of examination, Balkhu has published examination routine of 4 Yrs. B.Sc. 3rd Year 2075.
The examination of 4 Yrs. B.Sc. 3rd Year 2075 starts on 2075/01/28 [Phy-301, Bot-301 (Compulsory) ] and ends on 2075/02/29 ( Stat.301, MB.301 (Compulsory))
The examination time is from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
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Also, Tribhuvan University, office of the controller of examination, Balkhu has published examination routine of following faculties:
1. 4 Yrs BBS 3rd Year 2075 [ VIEW ROUTINE ]
2. 4 Yrs B.Ed. 3rd Year 2075 [ VIEW ROUTINE ]
Posted on: 2018-04-23