TU exam routine of 4 Yrs BBS 3rd year and 3 Yrs BBS 3rd year 2074

Updated on 9 April 2018
1. TU publishes exam routine of 4 Yrs BBS 3rd year 2075 [ VIEW ROUTINE ]
2. TU publishes exam routine of 3 Yrs BBS 3rd year 2075 [ VIEW ROUTINE ]
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Updated on 25 March 2018
Tribhuvan University, office of the controller of examination, Balkhu has published examination routine of 4 Yrs. BBS 3rd year 2074 and 3 Yrs BBS 3rd year 2074.
The examination of 4 Yrs. BBS 3rd year starts on 2074/02/12 and ends on 2073/02/23. The examination of 3 Yrs. BBS 3rd year starts on 2073/02/11 and ends on 2073/02/22.
The examination time is from 7 to 10 am.
Examination Schedule of 4 Yrs. BBS 3rd year 2073 as follows:
> 2074/02/12-MGT.204 Business Law
> 2074/02/16-MGT.215 Fundamentals Financial Mgmt.
> 2074/02/18-MGT.217 Business Environment & Strategic Management
> 2074/02/21-MGT.218 Fundamentals of Taxation and Auditing
> 2074/02/23-MGT.219 Organizational Behaviour
Examination Schedule of 3 Yrs. BBS 3rd year 2073 as follows:
3 years B.B.S Third year New & old course
- Date: 2074-02-11
New course: Mgt.311-Account for Buss/Mgt.321-Corporate fin/Mgt331 Fun. Of Adv/Mgt341 Fun.of Orf.Bev/Mgt.351 Comp.Sys & prog
Old Course: Accounting for Business-311/Financial Mgmt-321/Marketing Communication-331/Org. Analysis & Relation-341/Data Processing & comp. System-351
> Date: 2074-02-14
- New course: Mgt.314 Accounting for Financial Institutions/Mgt 324 Banking & ins./fundamentals of Service marketing 334/Mgt.344.Mgmt.of ind.Relatons/Mgt.354 Operation Research
- Old Course: Accounting for Financial institutions-314
> Date: 2074-02-17
Sectorial Area
- New course & Old course: Mgt.401 Tourism Mgt./Mgt.402 Rural Dev. & Cooperative Mgt./403 Hotel mgt./Mgt 404 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Mgt./Mgt.405 transport Mgt/Mgt.406 Project Mgt./Mt.407 Foreign Trade &Transit Mgt.
- Old Course only: Banking & Insurance-407/Foreign Trade & Transit Mgmt-408
> Date: 2074-02-19
- New course: Mgt.312-Taxation in Nepal/Mgt.322 Fund.of Fin. Inst & Mkt./Mgt.332 distribution Mgt./Mgt.342 International Business/Mgt.352 management information System
- Old Course: Taxation in Nepal-312/Financial Markets & Institutions 322/Distribution Management 332/Foundation of Industrial Relation-342/Productivity & operation Mgmt-352
> Date: 2074-02-22
- New course: Mgt.313 Aud/Mgt.323 Fund.of Invt./ Mgt.333 Fund.of Selling/Mgt.343 Fund.of Strategic Mgmt/Mgt.353 Productivity Mgmt
- Old Course: Auditing-313/Investment Analysis-323-Fundamentals of selling-333/Introduce of Human Resource-343/Introduce to Mgmt.Inf.System-353
Recommended Notice:
TU Exam routine for 3 years Bachelor level(BBS, BA, BSc, LLB,B.Ed) 3rd year and 4 years BBS & BSc. 3rd year 2074
Posted on: 2017-04-25