TU publishes Bachelor second year Exam routine 2074 (Both 3 years and 4 years programs)

Tribhuvan University, office of the controller of examination, Balkhu has published examination routine of 3 years Bachelor level 2nd year 2074 under following faculties for both regular and private, Full or partial examines.
1. Faculty of Humanities (3 Years BA 2nd Year 2074) [ view routine]
2. Faculty of Science and Technology (3 Years BSc 2nd Year 2074) [ view routine]
3. Faculty of Law (LLB/BL 2nd Year 2074) [ view routine ]
4.Faculty of Education (3 Yrs B.Ed 2nd year 2074) [ view routine ]
5.Faculty of Management (3 Yrs BBS 2nd year 2074) [ view routine ]
The Examination time for 3 years Bachelor level 2nd year is 7-10 am.For 3 Yrs BBS 2nd year 2074, time is 1 pm to 4 pm.
Also, Tribhuvan University, office of the controller of examination, Balkhu has published examination routine of 4 years BBS,B.Ed & B.Sc 2nd year 2074.
2. 4 years B.Ed 2nd year 2074 [ view routine ]
3. 4 years B.Sc 2nd year 2074 [ view routine ]
4. 4 years BBS 2nd year 2074 [ view routine ]
The Examination time for 4 years BBS,B.Ed & B.Sc 2nd year 2074 is 1 pm to 4 pm.
click [ HERE ] to view complete complete examination schedule of 3 years and 4 years Bachelor level 2nd year 2074.
Posted on: 2017-06-05