Distance Learning: Need Of The Hour

Prerana Acharya
The world has been suffering from the coronavirus (COVID-19) since last December. It was first observed at Wuhan in China. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives due to this outbreak which has become the scorching issue globally.
This pandemic also has affected our country Nepal. We have got different effects of this virus. One of it is on the life of students. Students are the leaders of the future. If this quarantine affects the student's life, it will delay the development of the country. In the context of Nepal 7.5 million students have been studying who are badly affected by the lockdown observed to contain the spread of the dreaded virus. Ever extending shutdown has put the student's future in uncertainty.
Since last March different levels of studies have been disturbed due to the eruption of this virus. Throughout the country, thousands of students preparing for the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) were mentally settled for the examination scheduled for the next day but that very day the government announced the postponement of the SEE for an uncertain period. First then government decided to impose the lockdown for a week. Then again, the government prolonged the lockdown for a week which then extended for a month.
Starting from the primary level to the Master's level, the education system has been crippled from this epidemic like any other sector. The schools were able to conduct the exams from one to nine classes but the higher class examinations were suddenly paused.
All the educational institutions are closed. For a month now, we students are locked in a room without going to schools and colleges which has brought the psychological impacts in our minds. Hence, solutions should be found to address this pause. For giving continuity to the educational system, different technologies for instance radio, television, internet, E-learning, video conferences can be widely used. Initiatives have already been taken in this direction but teaching and learning are far from smooth and normal.
The government should implement the distance learning system through different technical mediums, so that lockdown won't obstruct the ongoing process of education. Though some of the colleges in Kathmandu have started the online classes, there still remain many of the colleges and schools which are unaware about the distance learning.
According to Dr. Marcus Specth, "The students of the future will demand the learning support that is appropriate for their situation or context. Nothing more, nothing less. And they want it at the moment the need arises. Not sooner, not later. Mobile devices will be the key technology providing that learning support"
He has clearly mentioned about the flexibility of the online classes through the medium of devices which enhance the educational level in any kind of situations. So, during this lockdown the schools, colleges and other academic institutions should focus on distance learning which helps to broaden the educational syllabus by maintaining the social distance and following the safety precautions regarding the virus.
Why distance learning is important during pandemic?
We can study from all over the places: Technology continues to bridge the gap and the student living in different places going through difficult situations can fulfil their academic goals. As long as internet is available, we get various educational opportunities.
Our schedules are adaptable: Distance learning presents a breadth and depth of solution to today's challenges. With adequate time management, students can fuse for a synthesised learning experience.
A self-pace learning activity: Distance learners have the opportunity to work at their own place which helps the learner to devote adequate time and attention for more challenging skills without worrying about keeping up with the speed or falling behind.
Actually, examination system in Nepal is not appropriate. How can we students write down the whole year courses just in three hours? If the Government of Nepal is able to conduct examinations through the medium of the internet throughout the year then this will obviously be more productive to brighten the future of students without causing disturbances in education.
Furthermore, using the online library for giving the test can be implemented in the lockdown periods. Similarly, we can go through the books available in our homes and can complete our exams through mails.
The lockdown situation has made us of different suggestions for solving the educational problem through the internet in unusual situations. It is an opportunity to improve ourselves and make the most of it. Now the government should make the internet accessible everywhere.
The government should provide the internet facilities in all schools, colleges and educational institutions and even in the rural areas. The state should be able to provide universal education to all through the medium of video conferences and other means of communication including radios and televisions.
Making best use of the available technology and providing an educational solution to this crisis situation is a burning issue of the hour. We need to development appropriate mechanism and adapt to it.
(The author is a BBA First Year student at Nobel College.)
source: Prerana Acharya, risingnepaldaily, 29 April 2020
Posted on: 2020-04-29