Officer Cadet Exam Syllabus - Nepal Army

The Nepal Army has developed a comprehensive written examination scheme for recruiting Officer Cadets (Open and Inclusive categories). This exam measures candidates' proficiency in four key subjects: English, Nepali, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. Each subject carries a total score of 100, with a pass mark of 40.
The questions for English and Nepali subjects will be in the respective languages. The Mathematics and General Knowledge questions will be bilingual (English and Nepali).
Examination Structure and Details
1. English:
This Course has been designed for the competitive examinations to be held in open mode (free competition) to select officer cadets in the Nepal Army. It will test candidates' competence and performance in the English language through various aspects of language: grammar, translation, comprehension passage, composition writing, etc.
This Course is divided into two parts—part one and part two. Objective questions (multiple-choice items) are asked in part one, and subjective questions are asked in part two. Grammatical competence will be judged by part one test items, whereas communicative competence will be judged by part two test items. Language functions and communicative skills are primarily focused in the latter part. English language fluency will be tested through this test.
The nature and standard of the questions in the English Language Proficiency Test will be such that a class 12 pass or equivalent person will be able to answer them without any specialized study.
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Examination System:Subjective and Objective
Duration: 2 Hours 15 Minutes (Subjective), 15 Minutes (Objective)
2. Nepali:
The main goal of this Nepal Course is to test knowledge, skills, and linguistic ability using the curriculum of compulsory Nepali subjects at the higher secondary level (10+2).
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Examination System:Subjective and Objective
Duration: 2 Hours 15 Minutes (Subjective), 15 Minutes (Objective)
3. Mathematics:
This mathematics course has been designed to hold competitive written examinations to select officer cadets in the Nepalese Army. The Course will test candidates' competence in Mathematics and its applications. This Course covers a wide range of Mathematics branches.
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Examination System:Subjective and Objective
Duration: 2 Hours 15 Minutes (Subjective), 15 Minutes (Objective)
4. General Knowledge:
This course has been designed to test candidates' general knowledge.
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Examination System: Objective
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Academic Qualification
(a) Certificate level or equivalent (for Officer Cadet)
(b) Bachelor's level or equivalent (for Graduate Officer Cadet)
For both Officer Cadet and Graduate Officer Cadet, taking Mathematics as a subject in the SLC/SEE examination is mandatory.
DOWNLOAD Syllabus of Officer Cadet Exam
The syllabus is effective from 2078/09/01.
1. English Syllabus for Officer Cadet Exam [ DOWNLOAD ]
2. General Knowledge (GK) Syllabus for Officer Cadet Exam [ DOWNLOAD ]
3. Nepali Syllabus for Officer Cadet Exam [ DOWNLOAD ]
4. Mathematics Syllabus for Officer Cadet Exam [ DOWNLOAD ]
Posted on: 2024-08-23