Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)

Bachelor In Ayurvedic Medicine And Surgery (BAMS)

Affiliated to: Tribhuvan University

About Course

  • Course Title : Bachelor In Ayurvedic Medicine And Surgery (BAMS)
  • Category/Level : Bachelors
  • Course Duration (months) : 56 months
  • Cost Range (NPR) :
  • Affiliated to : Tribhuvan University
Course Description:

BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery) is a basic doctor course in Ayurveda. It is five and half years course including one year rotating internship. The curriculums of BAMS is as approved by IOM TU, Ayurvedic Medical Council of Nepal and ICCM of India. BAMS course is also equivalent with MBBS .

After BAMS one can do MD, MS, PHD etc is different field. Nowadays, most of the developed countries are also paying their special attention towards Ayurveda Medical Science, so the scope of Ayurveda Medical Science is increasing day by day in the world. So it is really the investigation & researching field for the welfare of human being by herbal medicines.

The BAMS programme enables the learners:
> to be competent, capable to providing ayurveda health services in Nepal, identifying and managing health institutions.

Internship training and BAMS Degree::
Students who have satisfatorily completed one year's compulsory rotation internship training in different departments of Ayurvedic Hospital or Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital shall be entitled to apply for BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery/Ayurvedacharya) degree.

Admission info

Eligibility Criteria::
Candidates who have passed Proficiency Certificate in Traditional and General Medicine or Intermediate Science with Biology or 10+2 with English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology (EPCB) or Uttar madhyama with EPCB examination securing atleast 50 percent marks in aggregate are eligible. They have to take the common entrance test. English, General Science and Ayurvedic and modern health sciences are three sections of a single paper with 100 multiple choice items. One must secure atleast 50 percent marks to be enlisted in the merit list. First twenty in the merit list will be selected


Course of Study::
The curriculum is divided into the professionals of 18 months each. The students have to pass in all the subjects before being promoted to the next professional. To be able to take the professional examinations, one must pass the internal assessment.

First Professional
The first professional consists of the following subjects:
- Sanskrit
- Ayurveda Ko Itihas
- Padartha Bigyan
- Astanga Sangraha
- Sareer Rachana Bigyan
- Sareer Kriya Bigyan

Second Professional
The second professional consists of the following subjects:
- Swastha Vritta
- Dravya Guna
- Rasa Shastra & V. Kalpana
- Agada Tantra & B. Ayurveda
- Roga Bigyan & Vikriti B.
- Charak Samhita Purwardha

Third Professional
The third professional consists of the following subjects:
- Kayachikitsa
- Shalya Tantra
- Kaumar Bhritya
- Prasuti Tantra & Stree Rogas
- Charak Samhita Uttarardha

Students who have passed in all the first professional examinations will be admitted into second professional and the students who passes in all the second professional examinations will be permitted to appear in the third professional examination.

The final examination takes place at the end of each professional, covering both theory and practical and practical.


Offered by

Colleges offering Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) (Tribhuvan University) are as follows:

  1. Nepal Ayurved Medical College, ShreePur, Birgunj, Parsa
  2. Ayurveda Campus, Kirtipur, Kathmandu


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