Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws (B.A.LL.B.)

Bachelor Of Arts Bachelor Of Laws (B.A.LL.B.)

Affiliated to: Tribhuvan University
Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws (B.A.LL.B.)

About Course

  • Course Title : Bachelor Of Arts Bachelor Of Laws (B.A.LL.B.)
  • Category/Level : Bachelors
  • Course Duration (months) : 60 months
  • Cost Range (NPR) :
  • Affiliated to : Tribhuvan University
Course Description:

The Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws program offered by Tribhuvan University (TU) extends over a duration of five academic years. TU has been offering the BALLB program since 2010 AD.

The course aims to provide law students with comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in indigenous and foreign legal traditions, as well as lawyering skills and research to help them meet the challenges of the age.

Objectives of Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws
The major objectives of the Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws program for the BALLB students are:
> To exhibit effective communication skills and abilities.
> To think logically and critically.
> To use contemporary technologies effectively and creatively.
> To act ethically and morally.
> To conduct research related to legitimate matters and issues.
> To demonstrate an in-depth understanding of business, accounting, finance, and economics.
> To apply classroom learning to solve real-world issues and problems practically.

The Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws degree provides graduates with a platform to practice the legalized profession. They can find work in a variety of fields, such as taxation, industrial, criminal law, conveyance and property, environmental, business and commercial law, solicitor or barrister, general lawful practice, and government agencies.

Teaching methods include lectures, case studies, discussions, questions and answers, problem solving, research, seminars, workshops, tutorials, and self-study. Inter-disciplinary approaches, participatory and instructional materials such as power point, overhead projector, white board, note books, teaching guides, case materials, and so on are important features of teaching. Annual examination system is applied for this programme.

Admission info

Students with a minimum D grade in 10+2 or equivalent examinations are eligible to fill out the admission forms. The eligible candidates have to clear the entrance examinations to be able to get admission to the program.

Every year 210 students are selected to pursue BALLB course in Nepal. Nepal Law Campus enrolls 105 students (35 in each group),Prithvi Narayan Campus enrolls 35 students and National Law College enrolls 70 students (35 per group). Students will be selected on the basis of merit list of Entrance examination (having full marks 100).

100 Marks of Entrance Examination will be as follows:

S.N.-Nature of Questions-Marks allocated-Time-Remark
1. Objective Questions
- Marks allocated: 30*1=30; Time: 30 min.
- Remarks: MCQs.

2. Subjective Questions:
a. Long answer question and b. Short answer questions
- Marks allocated: 1*20 = 20; 3*10 =30
- TIme: 2.30 Hours
- - Remarks: Knowledge of Law

3. Creative Writing (approximately 300 words)
- Marks allocated:  20
- Remarks: English Language Test

Questions for the Entrance Examination will be asked from the following areas:
S.N. and Contents
1. Introduction to Law and Kinds of Law
2. Importance and role of Law in a Society
3. Sources of Law
4. General Introduction to Rights and Duties
5. Person: Kinds of Person (Legal and Natural Person)
6. General Introduction to Constitution
7. Fundamental Rights under the Constitution of Nepal



B.A.LL.B. First Year
- PS. 351 Political Science
- So. An 352 Sociology and Anthropology
- Hist. 353 History
- L. Eng.354 Legal English
- L. Nep.355 Legal Nepali
- Eng. 356 English (in Lieu of Legal Nepali for Foreigner) Elective(for Foreigner in Lieu of L. Nep. 355)
- Law 357 Legal Method

Law 358 Comparative Law and Nepalese Legal System

Non Credit Course:
S.Eng359 Seminar in English

B.A.LL.B. Second Year
- PS. 375 International Relation and Diplomacy
- Eco 376 Economics
- SW 377 Social Work
- Law 378 Jurisprudence
- Law 379 Constitutional Law
- Law 380 Procedural Law

Any Two (Optional course)
- Law 381 Media Law
- Law 382 Fiscal Law
- Law 383 International Trade law
- Law 384 Equity and Torts
- Law 385 Law and Social Welfare

B.A.LL.B. Third Year
- Law 451 Criminal Law
- Law 452 Public International Law
- Law 453 Law of Contract
- Law 454 Property Law Compulsory
- Law 455 Method of Legal Research and Writing
- Law 456 Law of Evidence Compulsory
- Law 457 Clinical Law-I Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Law 458 Seminar -1

Any Two (Optional Course)
- Law 459 Election Law
- Law 460 International Air and Space Law
- Law 461 Refugee law
- Law 462 Gender and Inclusive Justice
- Law 463 Law, Poverty and Development

B.A.LL.B. Fourth Year
- Law 551 Administrative Law
-  Law 552 Family Law
- Law 553 Environment Law
- Law 554 Criminology and Penology
- Law 555 Taxation Law
- Law 556 Labour Law
- Law 557 Moot court, Pre-trial Preparation and Participation in Trial
- Law 558 Clinical Law-II Litigation Advocacy
- Law 559 Seminar -II

Any Two (Optional Course)
- Law 560 Socio Economic Crime
- Law 561 Forensic Science
- Law 562 Law of the Sea & International River
- Law 563 Private International Law
- Law 564 Law of Insurance

B.A.LL.B. Fifth Year
- Law 581 International Institution and Human Rights
- Law 582 Company and Corporation Law
- Law 553 Juvenile Delinquency
- Law 584 Interpretation of Statutes
- Law 585 Law of Banking and Negotiable Instruments
- Law 586 Professional Ethics and Lawyering Skills
- Law 587 Clinical Law-III Project Work
- Law 588 Seminar III Compulsory
- Law 589 Dissertation Compulsory

Any Two (Optional course)
- Law 590 Victimology
- Law 591 Forensic Medicine
- Law 592 Intellectual Property Law
- Law 593 Cyber Law
- Law 594 Population Law
- Law 595 International Humanitarian Law


Offered by

Colleges offering Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws (B.A.LL.B.) (Tribhuvan University) are as follows:

  1. Nepal Law Campus, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu
  2. National Law College, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
  3. Prithvi Narayan Multiple Campus, Bagar, Pokhara, Kaski


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