Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics (BE Electrical and Electronics)

Bachelor Of Engineering In Electrical And Electronics (BE Electrical And Electronics)

Affiliated to: Kathmandu University

About Course

  • Course Title : Bachelor Of Engineering In Electrical And Electronics (BE Electrical And Electronics)
  • Category/Level : Bachelors
  • Course Duration (months) : 48 months
  • Cost Range (NPR) : NA
  • Affiliated to : Kathmandu University
Course Description:

The Bachelor of Engineering program is the core program of the department. The department gives strong emphasis on facilitating learning by doing process for the students. Strong and modular course structure is followed. Each courses is given adequate practical components. Level of engineering project practice is carefully planned. Continuous improvement in the curriculum and course delivery method are always sought.


The program provides a strong foundation on basic science subjects and core electrical and electronics engineering subjects up to the third year first semester. Then the students branch into two specialization branches: communication engineering and power-and-control engineering. Communication engineering students are also provided with the knowledge in power apparatus and systems, and power-and-control engineering students are provided with the knowledge about digital and analog communication systems.


Students do projects in all the four years with varying degree of complexity, so that they can have the knowledge and the skills required for engineering design and implementation.


The medium of instruction and examination for all BE courses is English.



The student performance evaluation on courses in the BE program is done as per the evaluation scheme of the university. In evaluation of each courses, two components are there: the continuous in-semester evaluation and the final end-semester evaluation.


Continuous In-Semester Evaluation: All courses undertaken by students are evaluated during the semester using an internal system of continuous assessment.  The student is evaluated on class and/or tutorial participation, assignment work, laboratory work, class tests and quizzes which contribute to the final grade awarded for the subject. Students will be notified at the commencement of each course, about the evaluation methods to be used for the course and the weighting given to the different assignments and evaluation activities

Students who fail in the internal evaluation are not eligible to appear in the end semester examination of the course. The students failed in internal evaluation have to appear for both internal and end-semester examinations of the course in the next academic session.


Final End-Semester Evaluation: The examination at the end of the semester is set and evaluated by examiners and the answer sheets will be made available to the students in this manner.  The results will be available promptly after the examination and if there are any matters that may result in adjustment of marks or grades, these will be addressed quickly and fairly. The weighting given to the continuous assessment and the final examination will be established together with the grading allocated by the course instructors for each course in consultation with their department and relevant committees.


Evaluation of Practical-Oriented Courses: In the evaluation of practical oriented courses, the continuous in-semester evaluation forms the 80% and the final end-semester evaluation forms the remaining 20% of the total evaluation.


Evaluation of Other Courses: Evaluation of other courses normally comprises 25% continuous in-semester and 75% final end-semester evaluation


Students must get at least 40% marks in each of the evaluation components to pass. Students failing to get 40% marks in the continuous in-semester evaluation are unable to sit for the final evaluation.


Letter Grading System: The grading system used in BE program, is defined as letter grading system.  At the end of each semester, students are awarded letter grades which are based on grades and marks obtained in various segments of the course evaluation.  Final evaluation of the course is carried out on a FOUR point grading system as follows:

                Grade                                         A            B           C           D         F

                Grade Point                                 4            3            2            1         0

                Qualitative Interpretation     Excellent   Good      Fair       Poor     Fail


If a student fails to pass a course, an F grade is given.  If the student fails to complete the course and does not appear in the final examination, it is not possible to award a grade, a special code will be allocated dependent on the circumstances.


Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): Each course grade is converted into a specific number of points, associated with the grade.  These points are weighted in accordance with the number of credits assigned to a course.  As the students complete different courses, these points are accumulated and an average point score for each student is called the CGPA of his performance.


The CGPA of the student must remain at 2.0 or above throughout the duration of their studies.  If a student fails to maintain this CGPA or receives TWO OR MORE permanent F grades, then the student may be required to withdraw from the program.


Attendance Requirement: To achieve the best results, the student must maintain an attendance record of at least 75% attendance of lectures, tests and tutorials.  These all count towards the calculation of the attendance record. If the attendance of the student falls below the required minimum, particular circumstances will be investigated and the overall grade given the student for the course may be affected.


If there is persistent poor attendance, then according to the contributing circumstances, the student may have to leave the university or consideration will be given to whether the student should retake the courses from the beginning, the next academic year


Publication of Results: Soon after the final examination is over, results are published in the university notice-boards and also made available on the internet at the following address:





Admission info

The admission to BE program is generally called in the month of June/July, every year.


Applicants seeking admission for the BE program must have secured 50% in their I. Sc. (10+2 or equivalent) examination.  In addition to this, the applicants must also have secured 50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects. Applicants whose academic education has been gained in a different system should submit full details of their academic experience and qualifications.  Each case will be assessed on merit, against the university entry requirements. The applicants shall go through an admission test that is designed to assess the student's background ability in science subjects, as well as identifying the applicants capacity in verbal and quantitative reasoning and knowledge and comprehension of the English language.


Detailed information on admission can be found on the official site of the university for admission, which can be reached at


Details about the student life at KU can be found on




The courses branch in the third year second semester to Communication and Power-and-Control Engineering streams. Syllabuses of courses in various years can be found below. Since the curriculum is continuously refined and restructured, the syllabus can be different for different academic sessions. Also, since elective courses in the area of specialization are offered on the basis of available expertise, the elective courses can also be different in different academic sessions.


First Year Common Courses (Common to School of Engineering)

First Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MATH 101 Calculus and Linear Algebra 3
PHYS 101 General Physics I
CHEM 101 General Chemistry 3
COMP 103 Structured Programming
ENGT 101 Communication Skills I 2
EEEG 102 Basic Circuit Analysis
EDRG 101 Engineering Drawing I 2
ENGG 101 Engineering Project Preparation & Workshop 2
  Total 20 


Second Semester
Code Name of Course Cr.
MATH 104 Advanced Calculus 3
PHYS 102 General Physics II
ENVE 101 Introduction to Environmental Engineering 2
COMP 116 Object-Oriented Programming
ENGT 102 Communication Skills II 2
MEEG 101 Basic Mechanical Engineering 2
EDRG 102 Engineering Drawing II 2
ENGG 102 Engineering Project 2
ENGG 103 Laboratory Work
  Total 20


Second Year Core Electrical & Electronics Engineering Courses

First Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MATH 207 Differential Equations and Complex Variables
EEEG 202 Digital Logic
EEEG 211 Electronics Engineering I 3
EEEG 207 Electrical Engineering Materials
EEEG 213 Network Analysis 3
EEEG 217 Digital Electronics Laboratory Work 1
EEEG 218 Analog Electronics Laboratory Work 1
EEEG 205 Engineering Project 1
  Total 19 


Second Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MATH 208 Statistics and Probability
MCSC 202 Numerical Methods
EEEG 214 Electronics Engineering II 3
COMP 201 Computer Organization
EEEG 215 Electric Machines Fundamentals
EEEG 219 Electric Machines Lab 1
EEEG 220 Electronics and Analog Filter Design Lab 1
EEEG 212 Engineering Project 2
  Total 19


Third Year Core and Interdisciplinary Courses for Communication Engineering

First Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MGTS 301
Engineering Economics
EEEG 313  Signals and Systems
EEEG 314
Microprocessor 3
COEG 304
Instrumentation and Control
ETEG 302
Analog Communication 3
EEEG 306
Microprocessor and Instrumenation Lab 1
ETEG 307
Analog Communications Lab 1
ETEG 313
Engineering Project 1
  Total 18 


Second Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
EPEG 301  Power Apparatus and Systems
EEEG 309
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
ETEG 303
Data Communication Networks
ETEG 304
Digital Communications
ETEG 305
Digital Signal Processing 3
ETEG 308
Communications and Signal Processing Lab
ETEG 319
Engineering Project 2
  Total 18


Third Year Core and Interdisciplinary Courses for Power-and-Control Engineering

First Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MGTS 301
Engineering Economics
EEEG 313
Signals and Systems
EEEG 314
EPEG 302
Advanced Electrical Machinery
EPEG 317
Measurement and Instrumentation
EEEG 306
Instrumentation and Microprocessor Lab
EPEG 307
Advanced Machinery Lab
PCEG 313
Engineering Project
  Total 18 


Second Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
ETEG 301  Communication Systems
EEEG 309
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 
COEG 301
Control Engineering
EPEG 315
Power Systems I
EPEG 318
Power Electronics
PCEG 308
Power and Control Lab
PCEG 319
Engineering Project
  Total 18


Fourth Year Specialization Courses for Communication Engineering

First Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MGTS 401
Industrial Management
ETEG 402
Antennas and Propagation
ETEG 408
Microwave Devices and Systems
ETEG 422
Optical Fiber Communication
xxxx xxx
Elective I 3
ETEG 403
Communications Lab
ETEG 419
Engineering Project
  Total 18 


Second Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MGTS 402
Engineering Entrepreneurship
ETEG 417
Digital Switching and Tele-Traffic Engineering
ETEG 432
Wireless Communications
xxxx xxx
Elective II
ETEG 405
Communications Lab
ETEG 435
Engineering Project
ETEG 436
 Industrial Internship
  Total 18


Fourth Year Specialization Courses for Power-and-Control Engineering

First Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MGTS 401
Industrial Management
COEG 401
Control Systems Design
EPEG 413
Power Systems II
EPEG 422
Solid State Drives
xxxx xxx
Elective I
PCEG 403
Power and Control Lab
PCEG 404
Engineering Project
  Total 18 


Second Semester 
Code Name of Course Cr.
MGTS 402  Engineering Entrepreneurship
COEG 402
Computer Based Control
EPEG 415
Switchgear and Protection
xxxx xxx
Elective II
PCEG 405
Power and Control Lab
PCEG 435
Engineering Project
PCEG 436
Industrial Internship
  Total 18



Offered by

Colleges offering Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics (BE Electrical and Electronics) (Kathmandu University) are as follows:

  1. Kathmandu University-School of Engineering, Dhulikhel, Achham


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