Bachelor Of Interior Design
Affiliated to: Purbanchal UniversityAbout Course
- Course Title : Bachelor Of Interior Design
- Category/Level : Bachelors
- Course Duration (months) : 36 months
- Cost Range (NPR) : NA
- Affiliated to : Purbanchal University
Course Description:
Bachelor in Interior Design (B.I.D.) is a three years (six semesters) full time course designed to produce professional Interior Designers in Nepal . Upon completion of the course, students will be able to work in the Interior Design related sector and Interior Designers can also start their business or work as Freelance Interior Designer and be able to pursue further study in Interior Design.
The objectives of the course are:
- To make students capable to draw architectural interior drawings and to understand design related facts and to create any space planning for public and private facilities.
- To serve the needs, function, requirements & attractive comfortable area that satisfies of its users.
- To provide a sense of place within both public and private space for group and individual activities.
- To train students to analyze, design and implement interior design based systems.
- To develop the abilities and interpersonal skills important for effective participation and leadership in this field.
- Interior Design Companies
- Construction Companies
- Promoters
- Paint Companies
- Architectural Companies
- Construction Companies
- Builders
- Academic Field
- Furniture manufacturing companies
- Freelance Interior Designer
Core Subjects
History of Interior Design
This course provides knowledge of Interior Design period styles and motifs in furniture, architecture and decorative art of the ancient world to the present, with application to contemporary interiors. This course gives knowledge of major international interior periods/styles of Middle Ages through 19 th century i.e., Greek, Roman, Medieval, Baroque, Renaissance, Modern etc.
This course provides the concept of three-dimensional models and understanding of the tools, materials and skills needed to construct 3D models.
Graphics & Drafting
This course gives the detail knowledge of lettering, layout & drafting technique, tools & materials used in drafting, surveying a space, converting survey information into a plain plans elevations, axonometric drawing and the development of an interior space design.
It provides the practical and theoretical knowledge of fundamentals of colouring and its application in interior design.
Visual Art
This course provides basic free hand sketching through various methods, media, techniques and various approaches to rendering, shades & shadow, depth of field and conceptualization to communicate interior design concept.
Auto Cad
The use of computer aided design, provide overall concept and ideas explored as those in manual drafting classes that contains the various types of plans, elevations and section of an interior spaces specially in 2D & 3D drafting.
Furniture Design
Familiarization of furniture design from simple to complex, from ancient to modern in different periods and styles with different materials proportionally.
Materials & Finishes of Interior Design
Overview of the major areas of different materials of construction, flooring & finishing and furnishing with their characteristics related to interior design that defines our interior environment. It will cover range of materials in each area and their basic components application and limitations.
This course provides the knowledge of basic concepts and principle of landscaping design both exteriors and interiors but ainly related with the interior la ndscaping design.
Interior Design Studio
This course provides the knowledge on simple and complex interior design problems, live projects, application of design process to small, medium scale residential and non residential interior design projects and design r communicated using manual and technical tools.
Design Construction
Concept of the course is to fa miliarize with the process involved construction of interior design end their components. It includes the construction related to wooden materials, false ceiling, partition wall, flooring, wall lining etc.
Estimation, Costing & Valuation
Knowledge about the calculation, costing and estimation o f various items like; furniture, flooring, furnishing construction materials and spaces that are designed.
Building Science
Familiarization with the building Internship & Practicum science like Climatology, Lighting Internship is the important part of and Acoustics.
Building Service
Familiarization with the building service like electrical, water supply, sanitary system & HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning)
Intership & Practicum
Interior is the important party of the B.I.D. study. In the internship, students get the opportunity to know and learn the real world of Interior Design. In the 5 th semester students are sent to the reputed Interior Design Organization for their Internship/Practicum of 3 months
Offered by
Colleges offering Bachelor of Interior Design (Purbanchal University) are as follows: