Master Of Science In Urban Design Construction
Affiliated to: Purbanchal UniversityAbout Course
- Course Title : Master Of Science In Urban Design Construction
- Category/Level : Masters
- Course Duration (months) : 24 months
- Cost Range (NPR) : NA
- Affiliated to : Purbanchal University
Course Description:
The combined process of the globalization of economy, investment and information flow , environmental change, population growth and technical development have resulted in an increasingly dynamic and interrelated world system in which concerns about the scoio0economic inequalities, marginalization of urban poor , loss of cultural heritage and identity, degradation of environment and intensification of natural disaster vulnerability continue to grow. Failure to respond to this phenomenon is threatening to human begins and integrity of states. Such concern is critical for Nepal especially when it is entering into the global market and building partnerships with international communities on different fronts. In response to this global change, domestic need and finally acknowledging the changing nature of the specialization within architecture, planning and development professions, KhEC has started a Post Gradate course, Master of Science Degree on 'Urban Design and Conservation'. (MSc.-UDC) - a combination of dual degrees into and one master program- the first of this kind in Nepal from February , 2007 to deal with this ever changing context in a critical , dynamic and creative way for the program is to prepare students to become urban design and conservation experts by providing a multi-disciplinary professional education that teaches students to define issues, solve problems and implement solutions to improve the quality of the natural and built environment , in ways that promote social justice, cultural continuation , economic and ecological sustainability and disaster resilient community building.
Admission info
Students with minimum of second division mark in I.SC. or equivalent,10+2(science) or Diploma in engineering are eligible to apply. Students are required to pass the entrance examination conducted by Purbanchal University.
Offered by
Colleges offering Master of Science in Urban Design Construction (Purbanchal University) are as follows: