Pathivara Engineering College (PEC)
Birtamode, JhapaProfile
Pathivara Engineering College (PEC) is an academic institute of engineering affiliated with Purwanchal University, one of the renounced universities of Nepal. The college is promoted by a number of professionally successful professors, lecturers in the engineering field, educationists, social leaders, and entrepreneurs who have wide experience in building human capital in higher education with leadership sill to give back to the community for the last fifteen years.
The college is located in Birtamode, Jhapa, the growing city of eastern Nepal for education, medicine, and trade.
The college has covered all facilities that require for the fulfillment of the University and global standard of teaching and learning environment. PEC has ample space for recreation, techno-friendly and standard classrooms, labs, and seminar hall required for each and every academic, and extra-curricular activity required for the students.
The main motto of the college is to strengthen competitive education that fosters local human resources of engineering with international standard technologies, research, and innovation that contribute to creating national integrity.