Vinayak College of Health Science
Battisputali, KathmanduProfile
The Vinayak College of Health Science has been founded to meet the ever growing demand of middle level health workers in the country. According to one recent estimate, Nepal requires 10 thousand health workers every year. In practical terms, however, the actual number can only be much higher.
On the global scale, the demand is no less. In US, UK and most other European nations, there’s a growing need for qualified nurses. UK alone has granted some 20,000 visas to nurses last year. The number is more or less the same in many European countries.
Therefore, there is a pressing requirement to produce more qualified middle level health workers every year. Considering this and other fundamental factors the Vinayak College of Health Science is committed to impart both quality education and training to the young aspirants so that they can be employed not only in Nepal but also in other countries. However, Nepal being out foremost priority, our entire focus shall be to meet nation’s requirement first in order to make this Himalayan pocket a healthy nation.
The need of the hour is to produce adequate number of middle level health workers which are necessary for all levels of health care delivery system. In such a context, initially a few people of the college management embarked in the enormous task of imparting health education for the country.
Later the initiative grew into the establishment of Vinayak College of Health Science in 2002.