NEB Grade 11 and 12 Exams 2077 postponed

National Exam Board Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has postponed examination of Grade 11 and 12 until further notice in the wake of growing threat of COVID-19 pandemic.
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A meeting of the board on Tuesday decided to postpone the final examinations of grade 11 and 12 until further notice in view of rising coronavirus cases. Earlier, the exam of grade 12 was scheduled to begin April 20 onwards while grade 11 exams on May 4 onwards.
National Exam board has already postponed examination of SEE. A total of 482,219 students were to appear for the SEE that was supposed to be held in 1,995 examination centres across the country.
click [ HERE ] to view official notice for more details
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Posted on: 2020-04-07