DAV College MBS Admission Notice

MBS Program at DAV, apart from imparting management education, inculcates entrepreneurial and management ethos in management graduate. It also supplements the learning of hard skills with varieties of professional activities aimed at sharpening in learners’ soft and research skills.
D.A.V has envisioned in setting up a benchmark while emphasizing on quality education with academic rigor. Our graduates exemplify the national and global compatibility through case navigation, elucidation of research avenues, cohort of new ideas, and sufficiently unfolding the unique business insights through mental models. Besides, the revelation towards the service and startup along with the positive reinforcement through unleashing scholarly creativity in value generation is an axiom to the basis of D.A.V. MBS's indoctrination.
The MBS programme specifically aims to:
> Equip the students with required conceptual knowledge of business and management
> Prepare managers in the functional areas of management.
> Develop knowledge and skill of business environment in national and global perspective.
> Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them effective change agents in the Nepalese society.
> Develop research capability in the students.
MBS Program at DAV:
> Case Based Pedagogy
> Research & Seminar Series
> International exposures
> Interaction with Experts
> Business Plan & Incubations
Beyond The Text That Sets Our Benchmark:
> Inspiration for Learning
> Learning for Attitude
> Experiential Learning
> Mind Mapping Approach
> Research and Innovation Cell
> Incubation and Management Lab
> Navigation of Case Analysis and Development.
> Research Grants for Top Ten Students
> Mentorship
> Participatory Learning
> Research Journals
> National and International Conference
> Job Placement through Career expo.
Interested students can REGISTER form below for more details regarding programs, cost, career opportunities and other details.
Posted on: 2024-02-25