1000+ vacancies at Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA - Nepal Bidhyut Pradhikaran) was established with the objective of affordable power by planning, constructing, operating, and maintaining all generation, transmission, and distribution facilities in Nepal's power system both interconnected and isolated.
Vacancy Notice
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA - Nepal Bidhyut Pradhikaran), Central Office, Kathmandu, announces vacancies for various Assistant and Officer Level positions. The vacant positions will be fulfilled by open competitive written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission.
Applications are invited from interested Nepali citizens who meet the specified qualifications listed below.
Position: Administrative and Technical Positions
- Level: 10th, 8th, 7th ( Officer and Assistant Level)
- Group: Electrical, Administration, Accounts,Mechanical, Civil, Computer Engineering, Misc.
- Job Type: Permanent
- No. of vacancies: 1025
- Qualification: CA, Bachelor, Master
Examination Type
Written, Presentation (for positions mentioned to have a presentation exam), and Interview. The written examination will be conducted by Lok Sewa Aayog (Public Service Commission).
NEA Lok Sewa Old Exam Questions and Answer
Age Limit (as of the application deadline 2081/09/25)
- For Officer Level positions of Level 8 or above: Must be at least 21 years old and not exceed 40 years.
- For Level 7 positions: Must be at least 21 years old and not exceed 35 years. However, the age limit for female and disabled candidates is 40 years.
- For Assistant Level positions of Level 5: Must be at least 18 years old and not exceed 35 years. However, the age limit for female and disabled candidates is 40 years.
- No age limit applies to permanent employees working in the Authority.
- Employees who have completed two years of permanent service at the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and have obtained a Bachelor's degree can apply for Level 7 positions in the Administrative Service, Administrative Group. Employees who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Commerce or Business Administration can apply for Level 7 positions in the Accounting Group.
- Candidates must not be disqualified as per the NEA Employee Service and Conditions Regulation, 2075 (with amendments).
Examination Fees:
Officer Level:
- For Level 10: NPR 2,000/-
- For Level 8: NPR 1,400/-
- For Level 7: NPR 1,200/-
Additional fees for candidates participating in more than one group for the same position:
- Level 8 to 10: NPR 500/- per group
- Level 7: NPR 400/- per group
Assistant Level
- For Level 5: NPR 800/-
Additional fees for candidates participating in more than one group for the same position:
- Level 5: NPR 300/- per group
Application Submission Deadline:
- with Regular Fees Poush 25, 2081 (January 09, 2025)
- with Double Fee: Magh 03, 2081 (January 16, 2025)
click [ HERE ] to view original vacancy for more details and application procedure.
Posted on: 2024-12-20 , Deadline: 2025-01-16