Read articles about current educational issues in Nepal, such as school policy, school reform, study technology, the education system, obstacles, the common core standards, tech trends, and more.

Education Issues

Being a Kindergarten teacher in Nepal
The most important quality that a kindergarten teacher should posses is the ability…
English Vinglish: English in Public Schools
English is not just another language we can learn, but an important tool that can…
Craving for quality education: Role of teachers
Some educationists have reinvented the pyramid of learning by placing the students…
A giant leap for education
Academic institutions are turning to more creative and open environments where learning…
Multi-grade Teaching in Nepal
Grade combination, using other resource persons available in the area and better…
Education in Public Schools- The great equalizer
The widening gap between public and private schools creates social stratification…
Passing on the ancient lingo -How Sanskrit is being preserved and spread through education
The employment prospect of Sanskrit is wider than we have ever thought of, and with…
Entrance preparation classes - Selling knowledge or selling students
Each college has a hard time motivating students to their premises. Even famous…
Concept of semesters and letter grading made easy
In Nepal, there are two systems of letter grading method, depending on the universities.…
After SLC: 12 things to do during post-SLC break
We are sure you have already planned out what you want to do after SLC with friends…
History Of Nepali Language and its importance
The linguists have taken the stone inscription of Adityabanshi king Damupal, dating…
Democracy, Education Complement Each Other
At the home front, education has not been regarded as a vehicle of democratization…
Why learn the mother tongue?
As for the students and parents within the bowl of hills, lessons in the mother…
Politics in Universities, Potential Threat to Safe Academic Space
It would be relevant to note here that the education minister was all for immediate…
Leadership Crisis in Higher Education
The nation'ss five universities, including the good old TU, have remained without…
Classroom discipline : Factors to be considered
The question of the relationship between discipline and learning is a crucial one‚…

Academia-Industry Partnership: Milestone for pharmaceutical knowledge based economy development

It is important to get research projects by academic institutions from industries…
A Proposed Quality Management System-Model for Nursing Education Institutions
Nursing colleges should focus, not only in the techincal edcuation, but also in…

Featured News

SEE Old Past Exam Question Paper Collections (All Subjects)
A significant turning point in the academic career of any Nepali student is the…
Tribhuvan University Bachelor Level 1st year Exam Routine
Tribhuvan University's Office of the Controller of Examination, Balkhu, has published…
SEE 2025 begins today across 2079 centers, 514071 students participating
Secondary Education Examination (SEE) has started all across Nepal from today, Thursday.…
NEB Class 12 Exam Center 2082 2025
The National Examination Board, Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur,…
Medical Education Commission Academic Calendar 2082/83 (2025-2026)
The Medical Education Commission (MEC) of Nepal serves as the apex body responsible…
Public Holidays Nepal Lists 2082 B.S. (2025-2026 AD)
The Government of Nepal's Ministry of Home Affairs has announced the number of public…

Featured Articles

Lok Sewa Aayog (PSC) Exams Reading Materials 2081 (2024)
Lok Sewa Reading Materials from the year 2081 B.S. that were printed in publications…
Lok Sewa Old Past Exam Questions for Assistant and Officer Level
Collection of Lok Sewa Old / Past question for various Assistant and Officer level…
Nepal Rastra Bank Exam Preparation: Question, Answer, Syllabus
Nepal Rastra Bank advertises vacancies for various levels and positions on a regular…
Nepal Electricity Authority-NEA Lok Sewa Old Exam Questions and Answer
Only by practicing authentic NEA question papers will you gain a true understanding…
Nepal Telecom-NTC Lok Sewa Old Exam Question and Answer
Only by practicing authentic Nepal Telecom question papers will you gain a true…
Officer Cadet Exam Syllabus - Nepal Army
This article delves into the extensive syllabus designed to provide aspiring cadets…
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