Engineering Careers in Australia
Engineering Careers Australia specialize in the placement of Engineering and Mining professionals into the booming Western Australian resources sector. Engineering Careers Australia supply and place people within all disciplines of Engineering and Drafting, Geologists, Metallurgists, Supervisors/Superintendents and Safety Professionals. Our success is based primarily on our integral knowledge of Western Australia’s Mining and Engineering industries. We understand that it is by maintaining open and professional relationships with our clients that we benefit with longevity in the Western Australian market. The ability to find the right person for a job vacancy and the right role for a star candidate ensures satisfaction for both our clients and job seekers.
To get an engineering job in Australia you need to establish a network of Australian engineering contacts to replace those you have left behind; to help you get a job and to provide ongoing professional support.
In Australia, about 80% of job positions are filled without being advertised. Applicants learn about them through networking of one form or another. As a new arrival to Australia, one of your biggest challenges is to develop a network.
Networking is not just giving out your business card and collecting business cards of potential employers so you have a list to ask for a job. You need to establish a relationship for exchanging information. Keep in mind, the company with no vacancies today may win a big contract and need people next month.
Many engineers new to Australia make the mistake of seeing networking as a one way relationship. When they meet a company representative they blurt out “Do you have
any vacancies for mechanical engineers?” If the response is “No.” the conversation ends. They head off despondent, to the next prospect.
Networking is a two way relationship. As an engineer you have your skills to sell. Australian industry needs engineers. Through the networking relationship both parties develop a better understanding of what each has to offer.
courtesy: Engineering Guide 02/01/2009
Posted on: 2010-12-01