Studying B.Sc Microbiology (TU) in Nepal

B.Sc Microbiology is a four year Bachelor course of Tribhuvan University. Microbiology is the study of microbes (organisms too small to be seen by the naked eye but can be visualized by added eye) and the way they interact with humans, animals, plants and the environment. Microbiology is not a single subject, but is an integrated course that covers Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Agriculture, Environment, Public Health, Immunology, Food Science etc. There are many types of microscopic organisms so microbiologists tend to specialize in one certain field within microbiology creating many types of microbiologists. Microbiologists study these microorganisms learning about their ecology; their survival, how they affect us and how we can utilize them.Some of the major areas under microbiology are Environmental Microbiology, Food, Agricultural or Industrial Microbiology, Medical Microbiology Virology or Immunology, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Bioinformatics
The candidate must have completed 10+2 or equivalent examinations (with Biological Stream) with Minimum 'C' grade in all subjects to be eligible for admission in Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Microbiology program of Tribhuvan University.
Job prospectus
The bachelor of Science in Microbiology (B.Sc Microbiology) is designed to provide graduates with core skill and knowledge require to Hospital Laboratories, Blood Bank, In Vitro Fertilization Centre, Pharmaceutical Manufactures, Food and Dairy Industries, Public Health Project, Health Departments, Biotechnical Industries, Water Cooperation, Foreign sic Laboratories, Environment Monitoring, Higher studies and Research etc.
Course Structure
B.Sc Microbiology is a four years undergraduate course as per Tribhuvan University. Students can choose the subject combination of their desire with Microbiology as their major subject. Currently, Students have the following options:
> 1st year - Microbiology + Zoology/Botany + Chemistry, English
> 2nd Year – Biochemistry and Microbial Biotechnology + Zoology/Botany Chemistry+ Applied Statistics
> 3rd Year – Molecular Cell Biology+ Pharmaceutical Microbiology/Bioinformatics Zoology+ Bioinformatics/Natural Resource Management+ Research Methodology
> 4th Year – Environmental and Public Health Microbiology+ Medical Microbiology+ Instrumentation In Microbiology+ Application In Microbiology/Project Work+ Computational Course
Feature of Microbiology at DAV College
Affiliated with Tribhuvan University, the college is providing course with the core competency of research in Science and Technology. The course is being taught at this college in State of Art Infrastructure with techno friendly learning environment. It has well equipped laboratory where students are skilled with individual practical as well as mind mapping project work.
The college is working for the holistic development of students by organizing Yoga and Meditation, Exposure to different National as well as international conference, seminar and workshop trainings. In order for the betterment of student’s research career, it has extended its MOU with three renowned Indian Institute so that students and faculty could go there and get advanced research exposure. With the different industrial visits, research centre visits, excursion, trips, it is providing best external exposure to make student more conscious.
The different expert’s classes organized time to time has made our students to keep pace with the technologically growing world. With a lot of placement opportunities either in-house or outside as well, it has been training the students for the entrepreneurship with the Vermicomposting, Mushroom Cultivation, Ice Cream Production, Vertical Wall Gardening etc. The college has agreed to support the student who has entrepreneur idea with some financial fund too. The entrepreneurship opportunity to different research centre, Hospitals, and different software training provided by the department has cultivated the students to become more competitive, eligible and professional for different esteemed organization and Universities. The recognized, enthusiastic, researcher teacher team has made all this possible with cent percent result in board exam.
Mushroom cultivation by DAV Bsc student
The consistent, technical and visionary effort of the college has made to recognize at National as well as international level by being awarded with three National and One International Award and has become best choice for parents and students and also most recommended college by academician for the Microbiology.
Facilitating lab class
The entrepreneurship opportunity to different research centre, Hospitals, and different software training provided by the department has cultivated the students to become more competitive, eligible and professional for different esteemed organization and Universities.
Research center visit Pune Maharastra India
Awarding the students with best case study presentation, best result, best classroom presentation, best project work and writing, best report writing, best attendance, best speaker, best event organizer, has resulted more enthusiastic participation of students for their study. The sound environment for co-curricular activities of the college such as football, basket ball court, open gym, cricket net is playing vital role to make students more energetic for their career goal.
You can also visit D.A.V. college for more details or more inquiry, contact
DAV College of Management
P.O.Box: 929 Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel: 01- 2211010, 01-5533044, 01- 5523782
Hotline (For BCA, BSc): 9851174259
Posted on: 2018-12-23