Bachelor in Dental Surgery(BDS)

Bachelor In Dental Surgery(BDS)

Affiliated to: Kathmandu University

About Course

  • Course Title : Bachelor In Dental Surgery(BDS)
  • Category/Level : Bachelors
  • Course Duration (months) : 54 months
  • Cost Range (NPR) : NA
  • Affiliated to : Kathmandu University
Course Description:

The aim of BDS program is to produce a well-rounded dental graduate who as a result of the four and a half years of undergraduate education program in dental surgery will be competent to carry out preventive, promotive and curative functions expected of a dental surgeon. The accent of the curricular approach is community orientation, integrated teaching-learning and problem-based learning.

To focus on the need of the students centered course, the course is patient based and oriented towards to the community. A problem based approach and integration of different subjects and specialties, to the possible extent, are encouraged and aims at:


  • Providing the basic skills and understanding the required for general dental practice of standards that are expected
  • Recognizing the achievement of appropriate standards of patient care based on needs of an individual and the community as a whole
  • Appraisal for commitment for continuing education
  • Preparing for higher training in a dental specialty
  • Raising the standards of dental sciences and dental practice for benefit of patient and the community.


On completion of the four and a half year of BDS program, the Dental Graduate should be able to:

  • Demonstrate the understanding of principles and practice of modem dentistry with an in-depth knowledge of structure and functions of human body, normal and in diseases.
  • Develop a holistic approach to the practice of modem dentistry
  • Advance ones own knowledge and skills through higher education via continuing dental education programs and research.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary knowledge and skills.
  • Possess qualities of a compassionate and socially accountable human being.
  • Discharge job responsibilities with concern and care.
  • Provide immediate management care to life threatening situations by self.
  • Identify common dental health problems, manage them initially, ask opinion from seniors or refer to appropriate health institutions when required.
  • Provide education to people on oral health and health related matters.
  • Participate in immunization and dental health programs and in health camps.
  • Communicate well with patient and patient's relatives by explaining matters known and refer them to appropriate persons when matters are not clear to self.
  • Provide all information on matters of management of patients to the patient and the relatives.
  • Identify medico legal dental cases and function as required.
  • Develop a dental health care team-approach and give respect to all the other members of the team.
  • Give due care to children, elder citizens and women.
  • Provide dental health care by becoming aware of the ethos of dental ethics. 



Admission info

Admission Requirements

Selection is purely by merit based on Entrance Examination. Students having twelve years of schooling with science (biology), such as I.Sc, 10+2, CBSE Board etc or GCE Advance level are eligible to appear in the entrance examination.


Assessment System

- General Guidelines: Summative Assessment will be both internal and annual. The internal assessments and annual examinations will contribute to the final assessments according to university rules. The final assessment will form the basis of passing the examination and promotion to the next academic year.


Internal assessments will be held periodically in all academic years to give feedback to the students about their progress.


  • The students are expected to appear in all such assessments. If a student fails to appear in an internal assessment, he/she may earn zero mark for that particular assessment. However, a student's level of performance in internal assessment will not be the criteria for his/her appearing in the annual examination.
  • If a student could not appear, due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances, in an internal assessment in one or more subject/ papers, with prior intimation to the program coordinator, s/he may apply to the principal for a supplementary internal assessment. If a student fails to appear in internal assessment of more than one unit, s/he will be allowed in only one such supplementary internal assessment in one academic year.


- Annual examination will be conducted at the end of each academic year.

- A student must pass theory and practical portion of each subject separately to pass in the final assessment. The minimum score for passing will be 50% in the theory and 50% in the practical exam. 





For integrated approach - the following subjects classically taught in the dental schools all throughout its four and half year curriculum, could be grouped as follows:


General Medical Sciences - Basic Medical Sciences, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesiology

Oral Structure, Function and Development - Oral Biology - Oral Anatomy and Embryology, Oral Physiology, Oral Biochemistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics

Oral Pathogenesis and Disease Prevention - Dental Microbiology, Dental Pharmacology, Community and Preventive Oral Health, Periodontology, Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral Functional Sciences and Rehabilitation - Dental Materials Sciences, Restorative Dentistry, Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Implantology

General Dentistry - General Dental Practice, Practice Ethics, Dental Practice Administration, Geriatric Dentistry, Dentistry for the disabled and special need dentistry

Others - Legislation and forensic odontology


Key skills -

The students should have key skills on: Ethics and legislation, health and safety, record keeping, cross infection control, clinical audit, peer review, dental public health, medical emergencies, practice management, general dental practice, quality assurance and clinical governance. 





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