Arcane College
Kumaripati, LalitpurProfile
With a long history of offering top-notch postsecondary education, Arcane College was founded in Kumaripati, Lalitpur, Nepal. The college has been providing Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) programs to prepare students for their future careers, and it has a close relationship with Far Western University of Nepal.
As a ray of academic brilliance, Arcane College prepares its students for success in their chosen fields. The institution has fostered an environment that is supportive of holistic development by focusing on innovation, critical thinking, and professional development since its founding.
Arcane College has a history of producing graduates with the knowledge and real-world experience needed to succeed in the cutthroat job market of today. The college is committed to promoting a culture of learning and advancement.