Asian Institute of Technology and Management (AITM)
Satdobato, LalitpurProfile
The Asian Institute of Technology & Management (AITM), located at Knowledge Village, Khumaltar Heights, Lalitpur, is a private academic institution, which offers high-quality national and international undergraduate management courses in Nepal.
To contribute to human resources development in the country by establishing top-quality educational institutions and networking with other prestigious and reputable institutions within and outside the country so as to produce skilled and qualified graduates, with analytical skills, creative and innovative thinking, who are morally upright and socially responsible and are able to lead from the front by example.
To offer the students an educational environment that enhances their learning, enlightens their minds and mould their personalities in a caring environment so that they are thoughtful, critical, innovative and responsible global citizens, who will be leaders in whatever careers they choose.
AITM wishes to be positive agents of change, within the country and regionally and internationally, by collaborating with reputed national and international universities, and drawing upon their vast experience and track record of operating in a multi-national and multi-cultural academic setting.
The AITM has excellent amenities including pure drinking water and an uninterrupted power supply with solar Backup and Generator, and campus-wide Wifi-Internet facilities. The College is fully equipped to the highest of technical specifications.