Prasadi Academy Higher Secondary School
Manbhawan, LalitpurProfile
Ever since its establishment in 1997, Prasadi Academy has secured a formidable place among Nepal’s reputed groups of +2 with its dedication to the highest educational standards. Prasadi is fully engaged in the communities in which it is located among both public and private academies. Through its curriculum, +2 life, and extra-curricular activities, it stimulates students’ critical thinking and heightens their moral sensitivity. It encourages them to be seekers of truth, responsible and knowledgeable citizens of the world facing tough competition posed by the fast-growing advancement of science and technology.
To accomplish its mission, Prasadi Academy has the following purposes:
1. To provide quality education to aspiring students.
2. To provide intensive and comprehensive instructions using participatory approach that strengthens students’ academic achievement.
3. To instill in its students the value of lifelong learning by stimulating intellectual curiosity, creative and critical thinking, and awareness of diversity.
4. To assist students in developing learning attitudes, habits, values, skills and strategies that will enhance their potentiality for success in their life long career.
5. To plan and provide facilities and resources that respond to the needs of students, faculty and staff.
6. To provide the community with individuals who can meet the ever-changing needs of business, government, and industry now and in the future.