Kathmandu Forestry College
Koteswor, KathmanduProfile
Kathmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL) is a vibrant and growing academic institution (a public company) located in Koteshwor, Kathmandu. The College has been running B.Sc. Forestry program in affiliation with Tribhuvan University, Nepal since its establishment in 2005, and Diploma in Forestry program in affiliation with the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Government of Nepal, since 2009. Since 2012, KAFCOL has been collaborating with University of Salzburg, Austria to jointly run a M.Sc. Program in Geographical Information Science and Systems (UNIGIS MSc). We have started a new M.Sc. Program in Natural Resources Management and Rural Development (MSc in NRM-RD) from 2015 in affiliation with the Tribhuvan University. The college has also been undertaking research and outreach projects related to biodiversity, forestry, and natural resources management. The College was jointly established by the Nepal Agroforestry Foundation (a national NGO working for promotion of agroforestry) and a group of forestry and natural resource management professionals.