Lumbini Engineering College
Bhalwari, RupandehiProfile
The Lumbini Engineering College (LEC) was established in 2000 A.D. by a group of individuals who were committed to modern scientific and technical education and had extensive experience in the field. Their goal was to decentralize engineering education and lessen the need for students to travel overseas for their technical education.
The institute is located in the west of Siddhartha highway between Butwal and Bhairahawa , the fast growing towns. at Bhalwari,Karahiya VDC, Rupandehi. It is 12 km away from Butwal and 11 Km away from Bhairahawa. It is developing its physical and academic infrastructures by acquiring 2.5 Bighaha of Land here.
Objective Of The Institute
LEC is established with an aim to provide a quality education with high technical excellence with its aim of producing qualified and competent graduate engineers. The objectives of LEC include the following:
> To develop competent, skilled human resources is the area of engineering.
> To impact various short term and long term training courses in different sectors.
> To make academic environment healthy, honorable and achievement oriented by enhancing the quality of education.
> To provide technical assistance and consultancy services in the fields of engineering and socio -economic development.
> To conduct research and training sessions for development activities.
> To develop an education 7 research center in the Western Region of Nepal.
> To provide a remarkable jobs opportunity to qualified human resources.