DAV Investiture Ceremony and Annual Sports Day conclude with Grand Success

DAV School successfully conducted its Investiture Ceremony and Sports Day for the academic session 2024/25 with great success and grandeur at the Armed Police Force Headquarter, APF Stadium, Halchowk, on June 1st and 2nd, 2024.
The School organised this prestigious programme out of the school for the first time in its history. Starting this year, the School also decided to organize Investiture Ceremony and Annual Sports Day together.
The event was adorned by the gracious presence of the Chief Guest Mr. Kul Bahadur Nembang, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) from the APF Headquarter along with Guest of Honour- Ms. Sabitra Bhandari national women’s football player and Special Guests- Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Mr. Ramesh Pandey from the APF Headquarter, Shree Anil Kedia, DAV Chairperson and Principal Dr. Bhubaneswari Rao.
The Principal Dr. Bhubaneswari Rao presented the school and house flags to the newly elected Prefect Council students and administered the oath-taking ceremony. Distinguished guests, in the presence of school authorities, awarded badges to the portfolio-holding students of the Prefect Council.
Continuing their tradition, the Prefect Council students offered the 'Guard of Honour' to DIG, Mr. Nembang. The key attraction of the Investiture Ceremony was the Inter-house March Past Competition. Mt. Machhapuchhre House won first place and was awarded the Best March Past Trophy by the Chief Guest in the presence of school authorities. The march past competition was evaluated by APF staff.
During the ceremony, the Best House Trophy for the academic session 2023/24 was awarded based on the inter-house competitions held throughout the year. Mt. Machhapuchhre House won the Best House Trophy for Middle and Senior School, while Mt. Lhotse House secured the Best House Trophy for Junior School.
The investiture ceremony cum Annual Sports Day ensured cent percent participation of the students in different activities like orchestra, torch rally, march past, cultural program, aerobic dance, yoga dance, zumba dance, race and drill performance.
As a part of Annual Sports Day, around two hundred students who were qualified in the final in 100 to 400 Meter Relay Race, Piggy Back Race and Tripple Leg Race won the gold, silver and bronze medals with merit certificate.
Similarly, 200 students qualified in the final from Junior and Kindergarten School won different categories of medals and merit certificate. A total of 26 parents from Kindergarten and junior school who participated and won different position in refreshing games with their children were also honoured with medals and merit certificate.
Distinguished guests and school authorities honoured the winners with medals and merit certificates. All the parents were present at Halchowk Stadium to motivate and encourage their children.
Addressing on the auspicious occasion, Mr. Nembang expressed heartfelt gratitude for being invited as the Chief Guest and praised the march past, cultural program, and sports activities. He emphasized the importance of discipline in life, from home to school to career.
In her concluding remarks, the Principal commended the efforts of teachers, students, and parents in making the two-day event a grand success. She encouraged similar enthusiasm throughout the year.
Posted on: 2024-06-04