NEB publishes Class 12 Results 2081 2080 ; How to check Result with Marksheet ?

NEB Class 12 Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Result 2080-2081
20 October 2024: National Examination Board (NEB), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, has published the Grade 12 Grade Increment (Supplementary) examination results.
The examination of Grade 12 Grade increment was held on 25 and 26 Bhadra, 2081.
NEB Grade 12 Retotaling Result 2080-2081
28 August 2024: National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Controller's Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, has published the re-totaling result of Grade 12 for First and Second Phase...[ VIEW DETAILS ]
NEB Grade 12 Result Published
2 August 2024:The National Examination Board (NEB), Office of the Controller of Examination, has published results of Grade 12. The Grade 12 examination began on Baishakh 14, 2081 (April 26, 2024) and ended on Baishakh 26, 2081 (May 08, 2024).
Grade 12 Results:
- Pass Rate: 52.91%
- Non-Graded: 47.09%
According to the NEB, over 52 percent of the students who sat for the exams passed and 47.09 percent of the students were non-graded(fail).
- How to Apply for Re-totaling of NEB Grade 12 Results 2081 ?
- NEB Grade 12 Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Notice 2081
Out of 390,868 students under regular category, 9591 students secured between 3.61 – 4.0 GPA while 46,893 students secured 3.21 – 3.60 GPA. Similarly, 78,075 secured 2.81-3.20 GPA whereas 61,036 students have secured 2.41 – 2.80 GPA. Likewise, 8,240 students secured between 2.10- 2.40 GPA, 12 students secured between 1.61 – 2.0 GPA. A total of 187,021 students failed to receive any grade and marked as Non-Graded (NG).
The examinations, which ran from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., were attended by 390,847 students, including 196,914 females and 193,933 males. Additionally, 100,650 students took the grade increment examination.
The Grade 12 exam was taken by students from 5,542 schools nationwide. A total of 1526 exam centers were designated, including one in Japan. For the first time this year, the NEB used a random selection process to determine Kathmandu's examination centers.
NEB Grade 12 Exam 2080-2081 details:
- Board Name: National Examination Board (NEB)
- Session: 2080-2081 BS
- Examination Date: Baishakh 14, 2081 (April 26, 2024)
- Examination concluded on : Baishakh 26, 2081 (May 08, 2024)
- Examination Time: 8 am to 11 am
- No. of students appeared: 390,868
- No. of students who took grade increment examination: 100,650
- Total no. of exam centers: 1525
- Result Mode: Online ( via Website, SMS, and IVR)
- Result Date: 2 August 2024 ( 18 Shrawan 2081)
- Pass Rate: 52.91%
- Non-Graded: 47.09%
Students, teachers, guardians, and other stakeholders can access full mark sheets for Class 12 Science, Management, Humanities, Law, and Education results through various official websites, SMS service providers, and/or IVR services.
Click [ HERE ] for various methods to check NEB Grade 12 Results
NEB Grad 12 Grading System
The NEB grading system is based on the Letter Grading Directive 2078, which specifies the criteria for passing and the corresponding grades. To pass the examination, students must score at least 35% on the theoretical portion of each subject. The grading system is intended to provide a complete assessment of a student's performance, with grades ranging from A+ to D.The grading system below ensures that students are evaluated not only on their ability to recall information, but also on their comprehension and application of knowledge.
Percentage (%) : Grade : Description : Grade Point
90 to 100: A+ : Outstanding:4.0
80 to below 90: A : Excellent:3.6
70 to below 80: B+ : Very Good:3.2
60 to below 70: B : Good: 2.8
50 to below 60: C+ :Satisfactory:2.4
40 to below 50: C: Acceptable:2.0
35 and above: D : Basic:1.6
Below 35: Non-graded :Unclassified : -
STATISTICS: Last Year: NEB Grade 12 Results 2079-80
Last year, on 15 August, 2023, the NEB published Grade 12 results, which were held on Baisakh 26, 2080 (May 9, 2023) . As many as 467,389 students attended the Grade 12 exams which concluded on Jestha 5, 2080 (May 19, 2023). There were 1457 exam centres of all 77 districts for Grade 12 Exams. Over 56,000 took the exams for the grade improvement last year. 50.91% of students passed their Class 12 exams.
Out of 372,637 students under regular category, 6,976 students secured between 3.61 – 4.0 GPA while 38,999 students secured 3.21 – 3.60 GPA. Similarly, 69,174 secured 2.81-3.20 GPA whereas 63,077 students have secured 2.41 – 2.80 GPA. Likewise, 11,438 students secured between 2.10- 2.40 GPA, 47 students secured between 1.61 – 2.0 GPA. A total of 182,926 students failed to receive any grade and marked as Non-Graded (NG) 2081 2080 2024 2023 NEB Result 2081 2021 Markheet Gradesheet Nepal Telecome class 12 2081 result 2081 2024 2023 Neb Class 12 Results 2081 how to see Class 12 Result 2080 Class 12 2081 grade 12
Posted on: 2024-10-20