Nepal Medical Council Licensing Examination Notice

The Nepal Medical Council (NMC) is a statutory body regulating medical education and registration of doctors in Nepal. The primary role of the Nepal Medical Council has been to register qualified doctors to the Register of NMC and allow them to practice safe modern medicine.
Application Open for Nepal Medical Council 71th Licensing Exam (NMCLE) 2081
The Nepal Medical Council invites online application for the upcoming 71st Licensing Examination.
Key Details:
- Application Open Date: Poush 03, 2081 (December 12, 2024)
- Application Deadline with normal fee: Poush 21, 2081 (January 05, 2025)
- Application Deadline with late fee: Poush 22 & 23, 2081 (January 06 & 07, 2025)
- Examination Dates:: Magh 02, 2081 to Magh 10, 2081 (January 21 to 23, 2025)
- Location: Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Lalitpur
- Form Submission Method: As per the instructions provided at
Application Procedure for Medical Council Licensing Exam
The application should be submitted online after logging in to as per the instructions given by NMC.
click [ HERE ] to view original notice for more details
Posted on: 2024-12-18