Pokhara University 18th Convocation Ceremony Notice

Pokhara University, Office of Controller of Examination has published a notice regarding 18th convocation ceremony of the University.
As per the notice, the 18th convocation of Pokhara University is going to held on Falgun 8, 2079 (February 20, 2023).
Eligibility for the Pokhara University 18th Convocation
Students who have passed Bachelors, Masters, MPhil, and PhD in Pokhara University affiliated colleges by Magh 07, 2079 (January 21, 2023) and have applied for transcript can apply from Pokhara University examination controller office, Dhungepatan, Lekhnath.
Key Details:
> Application form available from Magh 1, 2079 ( January 15, 2023)
> Last date to submit the application form: Magh 15, 2079 (January 29, 2023)
> Gown (Convocation Dress) Distributions: Falgun 6 & 7, 2079 (10:00 am to 4:30 pm)
Eligible students are requested to apply online for the convocation ceremony from 2079/10/01 to 2079/10/15.
click [ HERE ] to view official notice for details
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Posted on: 2023-01-12