Prepping up for SLC exams: How are the students faring?

The students from class 10, at the moment, are busy preparing for their SLC examinations. Neither are they worried about what to eat, nor what to wear, their primary concern is how to pass or score good marks in the SLC exams and get through the iron door.
According to Kappu Adhikari, teacher at Galaxy School, the courses have been completed and students are going over it once again. The most effective method of preparing for SLC is to go through the past questions, as much as possible. The questions can be tough or very easy. “We find out the weaknesses of each student and strive to help them overcome them,” says Adhikari, adding, “Through various tests we are preparing them to take the exams.” She stresses on the importance of guardians and parents to understand the capabilities of the student while preparing them for the exams.
“Our hope is that every single student pass their SLC,” says Rajendra Acharya, a teacher at St Xavier’s school. “But it’s not up to us,” he adds sharing that at St Xavier’s coaching classes are going on for students appearing for SLC this year, with a focus on familiarizing them with the past questions and clarifying the specific doubts of the students on the curriculum.
While some students are worried about securing good grades, others are only hoping to pass the SLC exams. “As the SLC exams are drawing nearer, it is common that students face some stress. As for me, I’m confident about the exams,” says Bhumika Ghimire, a student at Brihaspati Bidhyasadan. Ghimire has already managed to go over her course materials five to six times.
Rekha Rayamajhi, a teacher at Greenland School also suggests that students regularly study the course and revise it thoroughly while also practicing the past questions. It’s not just the SLC appearing students but also their teachers who are busy at the moment.
“This is the time to observe the shortcomings of the students, when it comes to understanding the course,” says Mohan Niroula, Supervisor at Shuvatara School. “We’ve divided our students into groups so that it’s easier for them to study,” he says. As the school has segregated its SLC giving students into five different sections and already started coaching classes, Niroula shares that the preparations are almost complete.
The biggest problem for SLC appearing students all over is load shedding. Students are wondering whether the power cut hours will be reduced during the exam time. “No matter how much time we give to our preparations, it never really finishes,” shares Suraj Sharma from Reliance Academy, lamenting, “This trend of load shedding time and again, every day, has brought me to the point of tears.”
Rabin Dahal, Principal of Erik Academy, advises that instead of just going through the text books, students should also focus on studying related reference materials as the questions asked in the exams can also be out of the designated course books. Principal Dahal believes that for students to prepare properly and do well in the exams, it’s important that there’s the same subject teacher teaching the students continuously for the last three grades.
“Every student wishes to secure the highest number of marks that s/he can. So, it’s crucial that there’s a teacher who knows the weakness of each of the students and with whom the students can openly discuss their queries,” puts Dahal.
The fear of exams, up to some extent, is normal. This fear is a bit less in students who have prepared well and are hence confident about themselves.
“SLC is considered as an iron gate. I’m aiming to get distinction,” says Bishwas Maharjan, who admits to be a bit scared about the upcoming SLC exams. His classmate, Manoj Shrestha, shares that without working really hard, it’s not possible to score good marks in the SLC.
The capabilities of students differ from individual to individual. Therefore, it’s important to implement study methods that suit you best. Rohit Pradhan, a teacher at Brihaspati Bidhyasadan shares that the school has also been giving pre-tests to students to prepare them well. “Our responsibility is to show them the right path. The rest is in their own hands,” he says, adding, “If students are confused about any topic, they should consult with the respective teachers.”
source: republica, 5 feb 2013
Posted on: 2013-02-11