Nepal Open University Admission Notice for Master and MPhil Programs

The purpose of establishment of the Nepal Open University (NOU) is to expand the access of higher education to mass people who are unreached to conventional higher/tertiary education. The university therefore now is striving to make programmes that are inclusive and relevant to the national needs of creating knowledge society and preparing youth for world of work in Nepal and equally competent for the global market.

Nepal Open University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, Faculty of Science, Health, and Technology, and Faculty of Management and Law announces admission open for various programs under semester system for session 2081.

Programs Offered
FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES and EDUCATION (Application Fee: Rs. 1000/-):
1. MPhil in Social Sciences (2 Years or 4 Semesters)
Specializations include:
- MPhil in English
- MPhil in Sociology
- Mphil in Anthropology
- MPhil in Political Science
- MPhil in Economics

2. MPhil in Education (2 Years or 4 Semesters)
Specializations include:
- MPhil in English Education
- MPhil in Nepali Education
- MPhil in Mathematics Education
- MPhil in Health Education
- MPhil in Education Studies

1. Master in Media and Communication Studies (MMCS) (2 Years or 4 Semesters)

2. Master in Educational Sciences (MES) (2 Years or 4 Semesters)
- Education Studies
- Nepali Education
- English Education

FACULTY OF SCIENCE, HEALTH and TECHNOLOGY  (Application Fee: Rs. 1000/-):
1. MPhil in ICT
2. Master’s in e-Governance
3. Master in Geoinformatics
4. Master of Science in Natural Resource and Development (MSNRD)
5. Master of Science in Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH)

FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND LAW (Application Fee: Rs. 1200/-)
1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
2. Master of Science in Development Management and Governance (MSDMG)

Application form submission period: 2081/09/05- 2081/10/06

Contact Details:
Nepal Open University, Man Bhavan, Lalitpur

Central Office Faculty of Social Sciences and Education
Contact No .: 01-5524108, 5008047

Faculty of Science, Health, and Technology
Contact No .: 01-5524309

Faculty of Management and Law
Contact No .: 01-5008048

click [ HERE ] to view official admission notice for more details

Posted on: 2025-01-07


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