Pre-Registration Open for DAV +2 Program (NEB)

D.A.V. has its distinct mission to provide internationally acclaimed quality education to the students. To materialize that mission, this college tends to modify, modernize and update approaches and teaching methods time and again. By doing so, this institution aspires to produce highly qualified human resources for the global market of 21st century.
DAV- The Center of Excellence, Announces REGISTRATION OPEN for Grade-XI 2079/80 (+2 NEB)- Science, Management and Humanities streams
Why DAV?
> Internationaly recognized educational brand.
> Outstanding HSEB Result
> Pre-Medical and Pre-Engineering Classes
> Outstanding achievements in MBBS, BE , CA, BBA and BIM
> Managed by excellent team of academicians
> Well experienced and dedicated faculties
> Value Based education
> Student centered teaching approach.
> Priority on Co-curricular and extra curricula activities
> Peaceful and friendly environment
> Single-ownership-infrastructure equipped with modern facilities.
Admission open for MBA, BCA, BA and BCOM from NIT (IGNOU)- Open and Distance Learning Programs
Register NOW !
Interested students for above programs can fill up the form below for further information regarding school, course, tuition fee and other details.
Posted on: 2022-07-24