How to Get a Job at the UN ?

Whether you want to prevent environmental degradation, help impoverished areas develop their economies, or advance progressive causes, the United Nations may have the ideal job for you. The UN is a huge employer and offers opportunities for advancement and career variety comparable to those found in large private companies. Competition for most positions is fierce, but with a lot of preparation and a little luck, you may land your dream job with the UN.

How to Get a Job at the UN?


1. Searching for job openings
You search for job openings at the United Nations using the search engine on this website. Most job openings are for a specific position in a particular office and duty station but there are also so-called generic job openings, which are used to create rosters, i.e. pools, of candidates available for immediate selection across the Organization. Generic job openings are recognized by the following text "This Job Opening is for roster purposes". Typically, positions in field missions are advertised as generic job openings. You can learn more about rosters in the section below, "Understanding Roster Management". The application process is the same for both types of job openings, whether position-specific or generic.
If you want to receive e-mails letting you know about newly posted jobs, you must first log into your account. You can then perform a Job Search that can be saved to create a Job Alert that matches your search criteria. For instructions on how to create a Job Alert, please see the Applicants Manual (section 5.2, page 55) available in .pdf on the top left of this page.

2. Creating a profile and preparing an application
A job application at the United Nations is made up of a profile section (My Profile), and an application form that includes a cover letter, all of which should be prepared online on this website (attached resumes are not accepted). When you fill out the information online you should make sure to click Save after each section before exiting the page. Also be aware that the session times out after 60 minutes of inactivity.

In order to prepare an application, you must first register on this website (click here to register).

After you have registered you will be welcomed to your Careers Home page, which is where you will fill out and manage your profile, application form and all information relating to your application(s). First you should create a user profile (My Profile). The information in My Profile includes your name, nationality, contact information and marital status. You can make changes, such as updating your phone number or family status, to My Profile at any time and the information is automatically updated on all job applications you have already submitted.

After you have registered and completed My Profile, you can create one or several job applications. The application form is the part of your application that has information about your education, present and past jobs, experiences, skills etc. You can start preparing an application form without immediately applying for a job by clicking Create Draft Application. After you have entered the data you click Save to save the data without submitting. You can prepare, access, edit and save one or more fully, or partially completed application forms without applying for a job right away.

Once you have identified a job opening of interest, it is recommended that you update the application to highlight important facts relevant to the job you are applying for. It is also important to accurately complete and update all the information as it serves as a basis for evaluating your eligibility and suitability for a job opening.

After you have prepared the application and after you have identified the job opening for which you want to apply, you should write a cover letter in the section called Cover Letter and Additional Info.

3. Submitting a job application
If you want to apply for a specific job after you have filled out your application, you click Add job to application. Depending on the job you are applying to you may get a set of questions, which are yes/no, true/false or multiple choice questions. Similarly, depending on the position, you may be prompted with a list of skills and be asked to perform a self-assessment on these, giving an indication of your level of proficiency for each skill listed. Your responses will be used in the evaluation and assessment of your candidature.

After the job application is complete, you submit your application by clicking Submit.

The United Nations does not accept a resume as an attached document and it is neither considered a substitute nor a complementary document to a completed online application. If any additional information or documentation is required, you will be requested to submit it in the course of the application process.

If you have submitted your job application successfully, you will promptly receive an automated acknowledgment by e-mail. Also note that once an application has been submitted it cannot be changed for that specific job opening.

Each application you have prepared, and the list of job openings to which you have applied, along with the application status, is displayed in the My Career Tools page, which can be found in your Careers Home page. All applications you have submitted are listed under My Applications page with the appropriate status i.e. "Applied", "Under consideration", "Rostered" etc.

4. Evaluation of the application
Your application is evaluated in terms of experience, education and skills. Only if it is determined that you meet most or all of the requirements you will be contacted to undergo an assessment i.e. a knowledge-based test or another type of simulation exercise.

If it is determined that you are not eligible or only meet some or none of the requirements for a particular job, you will be informed, at the appropriate time, that your application was unsuccessful for this particular job. In this case, you should not be discouraged but apply for other jobs for which you feel you are qualified.

5. Assessment exercise
The assessment exercise could be either a written exam or any other type of simulation exercise or case study. These assessment exercises are conducted in strict confidence and you will be informed in advance of the time, type and length of the assessment. If, based on the result of the assessment, you are short-listed for a competency-based interview, you are informed accordingly.

If you are not short-listed for the competency-based interview, you will be so informed at the appropriate time. Please note, however, that the type and frequency of correspondence with individual candidates may vary throughout the application process.

6. Competency-based interview
The competency-based interview can take place either via telephone, video conference or in person. You will be notified in advance of the time, duration and means and/or place of the interview as well as of the names of the interview panel members. During the interview, we learn more about your combination of skills, attributes and behaviour that are directly related to your successful performance on the job. Read more about the interview in the section "At your interview".

7. Selection notification
A pool of qualified candidates is recommended for selection following the outcome of the various assessment stages. Any recommendations are then evaluated by an independent review body, composed of staff and management representatives, to ensure that the applicable procedures were followed correctly.

After the review body has endorsed the recommended candidates, a selection decision is made by the head of the department usually for one individual, or if several positions are available, for the corresponding number of vacancies.

You will be notified if you are the selected candidate for the job.

If you were in the group of candidates recommended for the job opening but were not selected, you will be placed on the roster for similar functions at the level and category of the job opening for possible future selection. As a roster member, you will be notified when new job openings with the same job title, level, category and job family for which you have been rostered are advertised.

If you are not included in the pool of candidates recommended for selection, you will be notified accordingly.


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How do I apply for a job?
All job openings in the UN Secretariat are published on the United Nations Careers Portal ( When you apply for a job, you have to submit an application in the UN online recruitment system.

For information on how to apply for a job using the new online recruitment system, inspira, go to Application Process.

Completing your Application
The inspira application is an extended online resume, specifically used by the United Nations, where you articulate your education, competencies, achievements and professional experience. The application is used to evaluate your eligibility and suitability for the job. It is your opportunity to tell your story in a way that demonstrates that you are the best candidate for the job.

If you want to apply for more than one job you can update and change your information in the online recruitment system before submitting a new application.


Understanding the job requirements
Make sure you find as much information about the job as possible and apply only to those jobs that are suited to your strengths and aspirations.

Preparing the Cover Letter
The cover letter, which you must complete when applying for a job at the United Nations, is the personal introduction that accompanies your application.

Your aim in the cover letter is to describe how your experience, qualifications and competencies match the job for which you are applying. Think of your cover letter as an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other job seekers by highlighting what makes you the best match for the position.

Your cover letter should be brief, three to four paragraphs, and as targeted as possible to the position for which you are applying. Focus on the most relevant parts of your background that relate to the job opening.

Application tips:
Be concise.
Make your words count. Your use of language is extremely important; you need to project yourself efficiently. Address the job's needs with clearly written, powerful phrases. Provide small, digestible pieces of information. Use action verbs. Avoid passive sentence constructions. Avoid clichés.

Make the most of your experience.
We need to know what you have accomplished to have an idea of what you can do for us. Don't be vague. Especially in your achievements section, focus on what you've accomplished and achieved, as opposed to what you do on a daily basis. Be honest. There is a difference between making the most of your experience and exaggerating or falsifying it.

Target. Target. Target.
Be specific. If you are going after more than one job opening, customize your application accordingly. The system allows you to update it, so you can tailor your application for a specific position. The same applies to your cover letters – customize them for each application. Customizing the cover letter is the easiest way for you to demonstrate that you have clearly read and understood the job opening.



Lok Sewa Aayog : Exam preparation guides,  Questions answer & Reading materials

The United Nations' greatest asset is the quality of its staff. To ensure that the very best people join the UN team we use a competency based interview process. Competency based interviews are also called "behavioral interviews" or "criterion based interviews." Such interviews are based on the concept that past behavior and experience is the best indicator of future performance. In other words, your history tells a story about you: your talents, skills, abilities, knowledge and actual experience in handling a variety of situations.

Competency interviewing questions can look like this:
- Tell us about a situation when you went above and beyond your manager's expectations.
- Give an example of a time when you used your problem solving abilities to resolve an issue?
- Tell us about a time where you had a number of demands being made on you at the same time? How did you handle it?

Useful tips for your interview:
1. Prepare a wide range of brief real life stories about your accomplishments. Be aware of the specific skills each story illustrates and remember to include the positive outcome or lesson learned from each experience.
2. Be ready to discuss your strengths and your ability to learn from past experiences. Also think about how you could contribute to the work of the United Nations and to the specific position you are applying for.
3. Review the competencies mentioned in the job opening. These will be probed in your interview, so your stories should show your skill in these competency areas.
4. You should be prepared to address positive results and achievements using these competencies and also challenges you have had in each of these areas.
5. The structure of your answer should be: Situation, Action, Result.
6. Share information you feel is appropriate and relevant.
7. Listen to the question carefully. Keep to the point. Be as specific as possible.
8. Do some research on competency, or behavior based interviews. There is a lot of material available about preparing for such an interview structure.
9. Learn as much as you can about the Department and Office you are applying to and the work it does.
10. Practice, practice, practice.

The United Nations offers you an attractive remuneration package with competitive pay and benefits. The level of pay for staff in the Professional and higher categories that are recruited internationally is set by reference to the highest paying national civil service. Staff members in categories that are locally recruited are compensated in accordance with the best prevailing conditions of service locally.

Official Link below :
> Application Process [ LINK HERE ]

> How to create job [ LINK HERE ]

> Pay and Benefits [ LINK HERE ]

Join our FB page for Latest NGOs/ INGOs JOBS ALERTS

Posted on: 2020-04-21

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