Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog, Karnali Pradesh announces vacancy for various positions

The Karnali Pradesh Province Public Service Commission (PPSC Karnali, Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog), based in Birendranagar, Surkhet, invites applications for  7th Level, Non-Technical and Technical Officer Level positions to fill permanent positions in the Province Civil Service and Local Service. These vacant positions will be fulfilled by internal inter-service/inter-group and open and inclusive competitive examinations.

Position:  7th Level (Non-Technical and Technical Officer)
- Service: Administration, Education, Engineering, Health, Agriculture, Veterinary etc.
- No. of vacancies: 53
- Type of Examination: Written, practical, and interview (The medium of the written exam and the language will be as specified in the syllabus).
- Examination Center: Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Province.
- Application Fee: NPR 1,000 per advertisement. For additional advertisements in the inclusive group, an additional fee of NPR 400 per group will be charged.
- Salary, Service Conditions, and Facilities: As per prevailing laws.

Age Limit:
- By 2081.09.15, candidates must have completed 21 years of age and not exceeded 35 years, for female candidates not exceeded 40 years.
- According to sub-section (6) of Section 9 of the Karnali Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and sub-section (7) of Section 10 of the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081, candidates with disabilities must not have exceeded 40 years.
- However, there will be no age limit for permanent employees of the Federal Civil Service, any Province's Provincial Civil Service, and Local Services. Employees continuously working at the local level and meeting the minimum educational qualifications when the Local Service (Formation and Operation) Act, 2081, commenced will also not be subject to the age limit.

Application Deadline:
- Application Submission Deadline: Poush 15, 2081 (December 30, 2024)
- Application Submission Deadline (Double Fee): Poush 22, 2081 (January 06, 2025)

click [ HERE ] to view original vacancy for more details and application procedure.

Posted on: 2024-12-10 , Deadline: 2025-01-06

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