Abroad Study Guide

Destination Australia
Education in Australia teaches you to rely on your own initiatives and come up with…
Financing your studies-Australia
Nepali students are drawn by an Australian university degree because of the multitude…
Websites that deal with scholarship programs abroad
For international students, getting into a college or university is not the end…
Pursing an American degree
The academic background, volunteering work, other work experience, extracurricular…
Chasing dreams : Australia
Management courses—particularly accounting, and bachelor’s and master’s programmes…
A holistic experience
With the third largest international student enrollment behind the US and the UK,…
Undergrad Degrees in Australia
Undergraduate course in Australia is viable for Nepali students who are planning…
Britain's most beautiful universities
Britain's most beautiful universities
Japan: Land of opportunities
Cultural similarity, to some extent, and a great deal of love and respect that Japanese…
Japan- A popular education destination
Academic programmes in Japan are liked by thousands of young Nepalis. Japan’s success…
Getting a Swedish degree
There are mainly two types of higher education institution -Universities and University…
Studying in Denmark
Scandinavian countries – Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland – have now started…
Pursuing a Swiss Degree
A Nepali student is also able to have a promising career after completing higher…
The German option
While tuition fees in colleges in the US and other countries can often be mindboggling,…
Pursuing Higher Studies in Netherlands
The Netherlands offers a large variety of study programmes in different disciplines,…
China: the next educational hub of Asia?
In 2010 265,090 foreign students were studying in China, a number which the Chinese…
Five student jobs to fit around studying abroad
One of the most common student term-time jobs is bar work. If you are campus based…
Study in Norway
With a wide range of high quality courses and great flexibility, Norwegian institutions…

Featured News

CTEVT Examination Routine, Exam Centers, Entrance notice 2081 2024
CTEVT Examination Routine, Exam Centers and other various notice updates below:18…
TU publishes results
Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination, Balkhu has published…
Tribhuvan University 50th Convocation Ceremony
TU publishes Program Schedule for 50th Convocation Ceremony (Convocation Gown/ Scarf/…
NEB Application Process for Class 11 and 12 Grade Improvement Exam 2081
NEB Extends Exam Application Deadline for Grade 11 and 1215 Dec 2024: The National…
TSC Lower Secondary Level Teaching License Exam Result
The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) of Nepal, located in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur,…
TSC Teaching License Notice, Result, Exam Syllabus, Curriculum updates
The Teacher Service Commission (TSC) - Shikshak Sewa Aayog was formed to recommend…

Featured Articles

Lok Sewa Aayog (PSC) Exams Reading Materials 2081 (2024)
Lok Sewa Reading Materials from the year 2081 B.S. that were printed in publications…
Lok Sewa Old Past Exam Questions for Assistant and Officer Level
Collection of Lok Sewa Old / Past question for various Assistant and Officer level…
Nepal Telecom-NTC Lok Sewa Old Exam Question and Answer
Only by practicing authentic Nepal Telecom question papers will you gain a true…
Nepal Electricity Authority-NEA Lok Sewa Old Exam Questions and Answer
Only by practicing authentic NEA question papers will you gain a true understanding…
Officer Cadet Exam Syllabus - Nepal Army
This article delves into the extensive syllabus designed to provide aspiring cadets…
Lok Sewa Vacancy Calendar 2081 2082 ( All Provinces)
Individuals can use the calendar to participate in various public service examinations,…
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