Master In Business Studies (MBS)
Affiliated to: Tribhuvan UniversityAbout Course
- Course Title : Master In Business Studies (MBS)
- Category/Level : Masters
- Course Duration (months) : 24 months
- Cost Range (NPR) : NA
- Affiliated to : Tribhuvan University
Course Description:
Programme Objectives
The objective of the MBS programme is to enable the students to work as competent managers and to meet the demand of higher level managers in organizations, particularly in the functional areas of management Upon graduation, a student should be able to function as a manager in business, Industry, government and nongovernmental sector, within and outside the country, in areas like accounting, marketing, finance and general management. The MBS programme specifically aims to:
- Equip the students with required conceptual knowledge of business and management
- Prepare managers in the functional areas of management.
- Develop knowledge and skill of business environment in national and global perspective.
- Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them effective change agents in the Nepalese society.
- Develop research capability in the students.
Curricular structure
The FOM recognizes the need of both breath and depth in the total academic pattern.Therefore, the curriculum for MBS degree comprises three separate and distinct course components .The three components are:
Core Courses
Core business courses integrate all analytical and functional areas and provide the students with an appreciation of the diversity and inter-relationship of business and management issues. It includes subjects such as Research Methodology and statistical Methods, Business Economics, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Corporate Financial Management, Management Accountancy, Marketing Management, Production and Operation Management, Entrepreneurship Development and Business Policy and Environment.
Specialization course
Specialization in any one of the areas, such as, accounting, Gernal management and Management science enables the student to develop expert ice in the finance, marketing, in the functional area.
Thesis writing or project work
The MBS program requires the students to conduct original research work during the second year of the two year study period. Students are required to either write a thesis or under take two project assignment based on their original research work. Thesis writing and project works are to be strictly within the area of specialization opted by the student.
Attendance, Evaluation and Grading Sytem
The evaluation of the students will be based on two components, internal evaluation - an on going or continuous evaluation by the concerning teachers and an external examination - an annual examination at the end of the academic year. The weight and modalities of the internal and external evaluation shall be as per the following table:
Types of Weight of Total Evaluation Evaluation Full Marks Methods
- Internal (Periodic) 20% Term
The internal or on going evaluation which will be conducted internally by the concerned teachers will include the performances in assignments ,seminar presentations ,case analysis ,term papers and so on . In order to qualify to appear in the annual examinations, students must meet the following requirements;
- The students must have a minimum of 70% attendance of the classes actually held.
- The student must have a passing grade (40%) in the internal examination. No students will be allowed to appear in the second year final examinations without first appearing in the first year final examination.
- The programme allows only regular students to sit in the examination.
The grading system in the annual examinations is as follows:
Third Division 40%
Second Division 50%
First Division 60%
Distinction 75%
Thesis and project work
Students are required to write a thesis or two project reports during the second year programme. The thesis and project report will have to be written the specialization area selected for study by the student.
Only those students who have passed all courses of the first year programme shall be allowed to write the thesis. The thesis has to be written under the direct supervision of faculty member of the campus/department. Evaluation of the thesis shall be based on the written part ( 75 marks ) and viva-voce ( 25 marks ). The evaluation of the written part of the thesis shall be conducted through to external examiners. Students should submit three copies of the thesis to the campus/department for evaluation. The concerned campus/department should submit two copies of the thesis to the office of the Dean, Faculty of Management for external evaluation. Viva-voce of thesis shall be conducted in the respective campuses by panel of expert composed of chair person of the research department, the thesis supervisor and one external examiner to be a pointed by the office of the Dean. Both in the evaluation of the written part and viva-voce of the thesis, the average of the marks awarded by the experts will be final.
Project work
Students who opt for project work shall have to work on two assignments during the second year programme on topics approved by the concerned department. The assignments are to be conducted on subject areas of contemporary relevance.
Assignment 1: Term paper: the first project assignment shall be term paper concentrated on a literature survey in the approved topic. The term paper should be written in about 2000 words. The evaluation of the term paper shall be conducted internally by the concerned department. The term paper shall carry 25 marks
Assignment 2: Field work: the second assignment shall be a project report based on a field work on the approved topic. The concern department has to approve the topic. In he field work, the student will have to collect data and information will have to be tabulated, analyzed, synthesized and presented in the form of a report in the prescribed format. The report is written in about 4000 words. An external evaluator will evaluate the report. The field report shall carry 75 marks
Method of instruction (Teaching Pedagogy)
The method of instruction in the MBS programme will be focused on the ways that will help the student to understand and analyze the real life situation in Nepalese business, industry and government, and the global management environment. A combination of lectures, group discussion, problem solving exercises, guest lectures, seminar presentation, case analyses, review of literature or small project work will be adopted as the teaching methodology.
Graduation Requirements
The MBS programme extends to two academic years .The MBS degree is awarded on its successful completion. All candidates for MBS degree must fulfill the following requirements:
- The successful completion of 100 marks as prescribed with passing in all the courses
- The passing scores obtained in all theory papers, thesis/seminar papers separately.
- Completion of courses for the fulfillment of the MBS programme must occur within six years from the time of admission.
Admission info
Eligibility Condition for Admission
The student applying for admission to to MBS course must have successfully completed the BBS programme or a bachelor degree on any discipline from Tribhuvan University or from any other university recognized by Tribhuvan University.
Admission Test
The Faculty of Management (FOM) shall conduct a Central Management Admission Test (CMAT) for the MBS level. Students eligible for MBS programme must sit in the CMT in order to qualify to apply for admission to the campuses offering the MBS programme. The FOM shall issue a score-sheet to each student appearing in the CMAT. The admission test shall be concentrated on the following areas.
- Verbal Ability
- Quantitative Ability
- Business and Economics
- Logical Reasoning
- General Awareness
Students must submit a CMAT Request Form to the FOM. Students must submit their application for admission to the campuses along with the score-sheet. Campuses shall prepare their admission merit list based on the CMAT score. The admission shall be strictly on a competitive basis. The applicants must enclose along with application form attested copies of: certificates/testimonials of all examinations passed; equivalence, transfer and character certificates, wherever applicable and Two passport size photographs.
Candidates selected for admission will have to produce at the time of admission original certificates/testimonials of all examination passed.
Minimum General Requirements
The minimum general requirements for the MBS programme are as follows:
- An academic year will consist of minimum of 150 teaching days excluding the days for admission and annual examination.
A paper of 100 marks will have a minimum of 100 lecture hours and a paper of 50 marks will have a minimum of 50 lecture hours. Each lecture must be of 1 hour (60 min) duration.
Course Composition
The MBS programme requires the students to study a total of 1000 marks. Nine core courses (700 marks), two specialization courses (200 marks) and a thesis or two projects reports (100 marks) will have to be completed .The course composition is as follows:
Core Courses 700 marks
1. MSC 501 |
Research Methodology and Statistical Methods |
100 marks |
2. MSC 502 |
Production and Operation Management |
100 marks |
3. ECO 503 |
Business Economics |
100 marks |
4. MGT 504 |
Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management |
100 marks |
5. MGT 505 |
Business Policy and Environment |
100 marks |
6. MGT 506 |
Entrepreneurship Development |
50 marks |
7. ACC 507 |
Management Accounting |
50 marks |
8. FIN 508 |
Corporate Financial Management |
50 marks |
9. MKT 509 |
Marketing Management |
50 marks |
Specialization Courses 200 marks
(Any two courses from following specialization areas):
A. Management Science (Any two courses)
1. |
MSC 603 |
Management Information System |
100 marks |
2. |
MSC 604 |
Decision Support System |
100 marks |
3. |
MSC 605 |
Productivity Management |
100 marks |
4. |
MSC 606 |
Total Quality Management |
100 marks |
B. Accounting (Any two courses)
1. |
ACC 611 |
Profit Planning and Control |
100 marks |
2. |
ACC 612 |
Advanced Auditing |
100 marks |
3. |
ACC 613 |
Tax Laws and Tax Planning |
100 marks |
4. |
ACC 614 |
Accounting Theory |
100 marks |
C. General Management (Any two courses)
1. |
MGT 621 |
Small Business Management |
100 marks |
2. |
MGT 622 |
International Business |
100 marks |
3. |
MGT 623 |
Organizational Development |
100 marks |
4. |
MGT 624 |
Labor Relations |
100 marks |
D. Finance (Any two courses)
1. |
FIN 631 |
Foundation of Financial Theory |
100 marks |
2. |
FIN 632 |
Capital Structure Management |
100 marks |
3. |
FIN 633 |
Investments |
100 marks |
4. |
FIN 634 |
Financial Institutions and Markets |
100 marks |
5. |
FIN 635 |
Multinational Corporate Finance |
100 marks |
E. Marketing (Any two courses)
1. |
MKT 641 |
Service Marketing |
100 marks |
2. |
MKT 642 |
Consumer Behavior |
100 marks |
3. |
MKT 643 |
Marketing Research |
100 marks |
4. |
MKT 644 |
International Marketing |
100 marks |
F. RCH 601 Thesis 100 marks
(Thesis writing with in the specialization areas).
G. RCH 602 Project Work 100 marks
(Two Assignments within the specialization area).
The Course Cycle
In the MBS programme, the courses offered are to be completed in two years. The campus must run for a minimum of 18 hours per week. Each 50 marks paper must have a minimum of 2 lecture hours per week and each 100 marks paper a minimum of 4 hours lecture per week. Each lecture hour has to be of not less than 60 minutes. The course cycle for two years is as follows:
The First Year Programme
The first year programme carries 450 marks and is organized into following six courses:
Sno. |
Course No |
Course Title |
1 |
MSC 501 |
Research Methodology and Statistical Methods |
100 marks |
2 |
ECO 503 |
Business Economics |
100 marks |
3 |
MGT 504 |
Organizational Behaviors and Human Resources Management |
100 marks |
4 |
ACC 507 |
Management Accounting |
50 marks |
5 |
FIN 508 |
Corporate Financial Management |
50 marks |
6 |
MKT 509 |
Marketing Management |
50 marks |
The Second Year Programme
The second year programme carries 550 marks that constitute of three core courses (250 marks), two specialization courses (200 marks) and a thesis or project work (100 marks). The courses are organized as follows
Core Courses
1. |
MSC 502 |
Production and Operations Management |
100 marks |
2. |
MGT 505 |
Business Policy and Environment |
100 marks |
3. |
MGT 506 |
Entrepreneurship Development |
50 marks |
Specialization Courses 200 marks
Any two courses from the following specialization areas:
A. Management Science (Any two courses)
1. |
MSC 603 |
Management Information System |
100 marks |
2. |
MSC 604 |
Decision Support System |
100 marks |
3. |
MSC 605 |
Productivity Management |
100 marks |
4. |
MSC 606 |
Total Quality Management |
100 marks |
B. Accounting (Any two Courses)
1. |
ACC 611 |
Profit Planning and Control |
100 marks |
2. |
ACC 612 |
Advanced Auditing |
100 marks |
3. |
ACC 613 |
Tax Laws and Tax Planning |
100 marks |
4. |
ACC 614 |
Accounting Theory |
100 marks |
C. General Management (Any two courses)
1. |
MGT 621 |
Small Business Management |
100 marks |
2. |
MGT 622 |
International Business |
100 marks |
3. |
MGT 623 |
Organizational Development |
100 marks |
4. |
MGT 624 |
Labor Relations |
100 marks |
D. Finance (Any two courses)
1. |
FIN 631 |
Foundation of Financial Theory |
100 marks |
2. |
FIN 632 |
Capital Structure Management |
100 marks |
3. |
FIN 633 |
nvestments |
100 marks |
4. |
FIN 634 |
Financial Institutions and Markets |
100 marks |
5 |
FIN 635 |
Multinational Corporate Finance |
100 marks |
E. Marketing (Any two courses)
1. |
MKT 641 |
Service Marketing |
100 marks |
2. |
MKT 642 |
Consumer Behavior |
100 marks |
3. |
MKT 643 |
Marketing Research |
100 marks |
4. |
MKT 644 |
International Marketing |
100 marks |
F. RCH 601 Thesis 100 marks
(Thesis writing within the specialization area).
G. RCH 602 Project Work 100 marks
(Two Assignment within the specialization area).
Offered by
Colleges offering Master in Business Studies (MBS) (Tribhuvan University) are as follows:
- St. Xavier's College, Maitighar, Kathmandu
- Balkumari College, Narayangarh, Chitwan
- Khwopa College, Dekocha, Bhaktapur
- People's Campus, Paknajol, Kathmandu
- National Campus, Balkumari, Lalitpur
- DAV College, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
- Public Youth Campus, Dhobichour, Chettrapati, Kathmandu
- Janamaitri Multiple Campus, Kuleshwor, Kathmandu
- Prithvi Narayan Multiple Campus, Bagar, Pokhara, Kaski
- Everest College, Thapathali, Kathmandu