Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.Sc. Environmental Science)

Master Of Science In Environmental Science (M.Sc. Environmental Science)

Affiliated to: Tribhuvan University

About Course

  • Course Title : Master Of Science In Environmental Science (M.Sc. Environmental Science)
  • Category/Level : Masters
  • Course Duration (months) : 24 months
  • Cost Range (NPR) : NA
  • Affiliated to : Tribhuvan University
Course Description:


The Syllabus has been made for Master's Degree in Environmental Science. At present there are many global environmental issues. Nepal is not exception to this problem as many of our cities or towns continue to be plagued by air pollution as well as many other environmental problems. Our rivers suffer the effects of poorly treated sewage and industrial discharges. Deterioration of environment and loss of biodiversity are linked with poverty. Moreover, a wave of concern for environment swept across the developed world in the sixties and reached its climax in 1970 with the celebration of 'The Earth Day' under the auspices of The United Nation. After that the need for environmental education was keenly felt at the national level in Nepal.


In border terms, environmental science is a multidisciplinary science that deals with the study of natural resources, their degradation, and pollution, fate of species and role of human beings for the conservation of environment. Keeping this in view, this syllabus has been designed to provide knowledge to the students about the importance of protection and conservation of our environment and the need to restrain human activities, which may lead to indiscriminate release of pollutants into the environment. This knowledge will also enable the students to evolve the best way of dealing with seriously endangered life support systems and develop skills to ensure that there will a minimum damage in development works so as to make developmental activities sustainable for a long-term. Besides these the syllabus has highlighted the necessary and essential aspects of Natural Sciences for understanding the newer environmental issues that have become focus of the environmental attention in more recent years. Emphasis has been given to topics such as air pollution, water pollution, biodiversity, forest and land degradation, hazard waste, risk assessment, global climate change, flood and drought, stratospheric ozone depletion and ecotoxicology which are among the most crucial environmental problems of this millennium.



The main objectives of the course are:

· To make the master degree programme in environmental science more relevant to the professional needs and the development of community and country.
· To provide knowledge to the students about spheres of the earth and their interrelationships that makes the suitable conditions for the existence of life.
· To provide the students an overview of the ecological principles, processes, types and functions of ecosystems, natural and man made change of the landscape.
· To familiarize and equip the students with appropriate methods used in environmental management including theoretical, practical and field based knowledge of application.
· To acquaint students with the available natural resources of the country and their conservation.
· To expose the students to environmental issues and problems.
· To provide the students the knowledge about various forms of energy, their uses and conservation.
· To develop an understanding of impacts of human activities on the environment and the mitigation measures used to reduce these effects.
· To provide knowledge about emission and transport of various pollutants in air, water and soil and their effects including the technique adopted for reducing such emissions.
· To provide knowledge about human population growth and regulation.
· To acquaint the students with international theory, the practical process and methods of performing an EIA as a tool for sustainable development.
· To make the students able to apply techniques used in interpretation of remotely sensed data.
· To provide the knowledge about environment laws from a variety of perspectives in order to protect the environment.
· To develop problem solving skills, particularly in environmental conservation and sustainable development.
· To make the students able to take up the responsibility as environmental managers, experts and teachers.


Admission info

Eligibility for Admission:

The candidates who have passed B.Sc. Degree with major in environmental science from Tribhuvan University or equivalent Degree from other University recognized by Tribhuvan University shall be considered eligible to apply for admission to M.Sc. Environmental Science.


Admission Criteria:

An applicant seeking admission to M.Sc. Environmental Science most appear in Entrance Examination of two hour's duration conducted by a campus or the Central Department of the Environmental Science, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University. An applicant who does not appear in the Entrance Examination and fails to obtain a minimum qualifying score will not be allowed to get admission in M.Sc. Environmental Science. A merit list of the qualified applicants will be prepared-on the basis of the percentage of their B.Sc. Examination and the marks obtained by them in the Entrance Examination. Admission of students will be based strictly on the merit list and on the enrollment capacity of the Central Department of Environmental Science/Campus.





Course Structure:

The entire M.Sc. course on Environmental Science is of two academic Years. It carries seven theory papers, three practical papers, one field report and one dissertation work. The whole course is divided into two parts, each of one year duration and 500 marks. The first year (part I) comprises four theory papers, each of 100 marks and two practical papers each of 50 marks. The second year (part II) consists of two compulsory theory papers, one special theory paper, and each theory of 100 marks, one field report of 25 marks, one practical paper of 75 marks and one dissertation work of 100 marks.



M.Sc. Part I

 a. Theory: There are four Compulsory theory papers:

Course No. Course Title Full Marks Pass Marks

Env.511 Ecology 100 40

Env.512 Environmental Earth Science 100 40

Env.513 Environmental Pollution and monitoring 100 40

Env.514 Environment and Energy 100 40


b. Practical: There are two Compulsory Practical Papers:

Course No. Course Title Full Marks Pass Marks

Env.515 Ecology, Environmental Geology, Meteorology, 50 20

Hydrology, Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology 

Env.516 Environmental Pollution, Ecotoxicology, 50 20

Natural Hazards and Solid Waste Management 


M.Sc. Part II

 There are two compulsory Theory Papers, one Special Theory paper, one Field Report, one Practical Paper and one dissertation work. There are five Special Papers, from which select each student has to select one. 


Course No. Course Title Full Marks Pass Marks

Env.621 Environment Management and Conservation 100 40

Env.622 Environment Impact and Mitigation Technique 100 40


Special Papers One of the Following: 

Env.623 Fresh Water Environment 

Env.624 Mountain Environment 

Env.625 Wild life Management 

Env. 626 Water Resources. Planning and Development 

Env.627 Forest and Grassland Ecology 



Env.628 Practical Paper 75 30

Env.629 Field Work 25 10

Env.650 Dissertation Work 100 40


Course Duration:

The entire course is of two academic years. There is separate annual examination after the end of each academic year.

Hours of Instruction:

 (a) Working days: 150 days in an academic year

(b) Class hour:

(I) Theory: one theory of 100 marks will have 4 hours of lecture per week.

(II) Practical: one practical paper of 50 marks practical per week and that 75 marks will have 12 hours of practical per week.

(III) Field work: at least 4 hours per week

(IV) Dissertation work: Minimum 12 hours per week 

(c) Attendance: 70 percent attendance in each paper is compulsory.



All students will have to appear on four hours examination for theoretical course carrying 100 marks and six hours practical examination for 50 and 75 marks. The examination in each paper will be held at the end of the academic year. All Students have to submit a report of the fieldwork at the end of academic year.



Pass marks: Theory -40%, Filed work -40% and practical -40%. A student having passed his/her 2 years of study will be graded as follows;

*Distinction: 75% and above (2 year's average)

*First division: 60% and above (2 year's average) 

*Second division: 50% and above (2 year's average)

*Third division: 40% and above (2 year's average)


The student will have to pass separately in theory, fieldwork and practical examinations.  



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