Modern College of Management
Thimi, BhaktapurProfile
Modern Boarding Higher Secondary School (MBHSS)/ Modern College of Management (MCM) is the extension of Modern Boarding School. The history of it begins since 2050 (BS) with the motto "Education for Peace and Prosperity". It is a contemporary, activist, careful learning centre where students prepare to meet the challenges and opportunities of 21st century. It is well-known for its individual centered learning approach. The school has been succeeding in achieving excellent results in SLC Board (every year in average 60% Distinction and rest in First Division). In its short history, the school has proved itself to be one of the leading institutions in providing world-class education. We have established ourselves as a leading institution that is living its vision of enhancing the capacity of individuals and institutions in Nepal to contribute to the nation's development and confirmed our institute's quality, dedication and commitment.