MBBS docs find DGO course unappealing

MBBS doctors who earned their degrees through government scholarships have refused another scholarship offer from the govenrment to pursue Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGO) courses.

After the refusal, the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) has decided to provide the DGO scholarships to those who completed their MBBS through private funding.

The government had launched the DGO scholarship scheme to assist the ´Safe Motherhood Program´. The National Academy for Medical Sciences (NAMS) has started teaching DGO program following special government request. MoHP provides scholarships for 10 seats -- Rs 500,000 each.

In the lack of DGO program, dozens of hospitals across the country are unable to run critical child-delivery services. The Family Health Division (FHD) under the ministry said that about 40 DGO holders are needed to run caesarian services.

According to FHD, only two MBBS doctors, who studied in government scholarships, have shown interest in DGO course in the new session. Last year also only six MBBS doctors accepted the government offer.

"This year we have decided to provide scholarships also to those who acquired their MBBS through private funding," said Dr Naresh Pratap KC, FHD director. The office said doctors who study DGO in government scholarship have to work for two years in the government hospitals as assigned by the ministry.

NAMS Rector Dr Shree Krishna Giri said DGO is a short-term course so MBBS doctors who aspire to pursue MD do not find DGO appealing. And again two-year service at government-assigned hospital is compulsory for those acquiring DGO under government scholarships, he said.

"Why should one go for a short-term course, when there is opportunity for MD," he added. MD is more recognized than DGO.

He said for studying DGO, MBBS holders who studied under government scholarships will not have to compete with those who completed MBBS through private funding. "After completion of compulsory service, one gets additional 20 marks after which he/she can easily secure an MD seat," Dr Giri said.

Due to lack of DGO doctors dozens of government hospitals are unable to run delivery services. The ministry launched ´Safe Motherhood Program´ three years ago to reduce maternal mortality rate.

source: 18 March 2012

Posted on: 2012-03-18

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