NEB Grade 12 Results 2080 : How to Check Class 12 Results with Marksheet ?

NEB publishes Grade 12 Grade Increment Exam Result 2080 ( 9 November 2023)
National Examination Board (NEB), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, has published the Grade 12 Grade Increment (Supplementary) examination results 2080 . The examination of Grade 12 Grade increment was held on Ashwin 09 and 10, 2080.[ VIEW DETAILS ]
NEB Grade 12 Results 2080 ( 15 September 2023)
The National Examination Board (NEB), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published Grade 12 results. According to the Board, 50.91 per cent of students received the grade sheets. Board said that 6,976 students have obtained 3.61 to 4 GPA. 38,999 students obtained 3.21 to 3.60 GPA and 69,174 students obtained 2.81 to 3.20 GPA. Similarly, the number of 2.41 to 2.80 GPA holders is 63,077 whereas 11,438 students received GPA 2.01 to 2.40. GPA 1.61 to 2 holders students number stand at 47.
A total of 182,926 students have failed to receive any grade and marked as Non-Graded (NG).
The Grade 12 examination began on Baisakh 26, 2080 (May 9, 2023) and ended on Jestha 5, 2080 (May 19, 2023).
There were 4,67,389 students who took the Grade 12 exams, with over 76.000 taking the grade increment exam. There were 453 exam centres of all 77 districts for Grade 12 Exams.
NEB Grade 12 Exam 2079-2080 details:
- Board Name: National Examination Board (NEB)
- Session: 2079-2080 BS
- Examination Date: 26, 2080 (May 9, 2023)
- Examination concluded on : Jestha 5, 2080 (May 19, 2023)
- Examination Time: 8 am to 11 am
- No. of students appeared: 4,67,389
- No. of students who took grade increment examination: more than 76,000
- Total no. of exam centers: 453
- Result Mode: Online ( via Website, SMS and IVR)
- Result Date: 15 August 2023
Students, teachers, guardians, and other stakeholders can access full mark sheets for Class 12 Science, Management, Humanities, Law, and Education results via various websites, SMS service providers, and/or IVR services.
1. via Websites
Visit official NEB Results website
- Nepal Telecom website:
- NEB website:
2. Via SMS
- Open the messaging app on your mobile phone.
- Type NEB. For instance, if your symbol number is 12345678, you should type: NEB 12345678.
- Send the message to 1600.
3. IVR System(Interactive Voice Response):
- Dial 1601 from any Nepal Telecom landline or mobile phone.
- Follow the voice instructions carefully to retrieve your results.
Last year, NEB has modified the grading system of Plus Two by introducing the Nongraded (NG) system in which examinees who obtained marks below 35 percent. Scores of 90 or higher are considered excellent (Aplus), scores of 80 or higher but less than 90 are considered excellent (A), scores of 70 or higher but less than 80 are considered excellent (Bplus), and scores of 60 or higher but less than 70 are considered excellent (B). In terms of grades, 50 and above is considered satisfactory (Cplus), 40 and above is considered acceptable (C), 35 and above is considered basic (D), and less than 35 is considered unclassified or non-graded.
Percentage :90 and above 90
- CGPA:4.0
- Grade: A+
- Remarks: Outstanding
Percentage : 80 and below 90
- CGPA: 3.6
- Grade: A
- Remarks: Excellent
Percentage : 70 and below 80
- CGPA: 3.2
- Grade: B+
- Remarks: Vey good
Percentage : 60 and below 70
- CGPA: 2.8
- Grade: B
- Remarks: Good
Percentage : 50 and below 60
- CGPA: 2.4
- Grade: C+
- Remarks: Satisfactory
Percentage : 40 and below 50
- CGPA: 2.0
- Grade: C
- Remarks: Acceptable
Percentage : 35 and below 40
- CGPA: 1.6
- Grade: D
- Remarks: Basic
Percentage : Below 35
- CGPA: -
- Grade: NG
- Remarks: Nongraded
STATISTICS: Last Year: NEB Grade 12 Results 2079-2080:
Last year, on September 2, 2022, the NEB published Grade 12 results, which were held on Jestha 16, 2079. As many as 415,000 students attended the Grade 12 exams which concluded on June 8, 2022. There were 1,292 exam centres of all 77 districts for Grade 12 Exams.
Out of 363,008 students under the regular category, 4,179 students secured between 3.61 – 4.0 GPA while 30,107 students secured 3.21 – 3.60 GPA. Similarly, students scored 65,284 students, the largest number secured 2.81-3.20 GPA whereas 64,093 students have secured 2.41 – 2.80 GPA. Likewise, 10,900 students secured between 2.10- 2.40 GPA, 35 students secured between 1.61 – 2.0 GPA. More than half of the examinees—188,410 students have been classified as Non-graded, which denotes that they received grades below 35%.
Class 12 Result Details:
Grade Group : No. of Students
GPA 3.61 to 4.0 : 4,179
GPA 3.21 to 3.60 : 30,107
GPA 2.81 to 3.20 : 65,284
GPA 2.41 to 2.80 : 64,093
GPA 2.01 to 2.40 : 10,900
GPA 1.61 to 2.0 : 35
GPA 1.21 to 1.60 : 0
Non-Graded - 188410
TOTAL - 363,008 2080 2079 NEB Result 2080 2023 class 12 2080 result 2080 2022 2023 Neb Class 12 Results 2080 how to see Class 12 Result 2080 Class 12 Gradesheet 2080 grade 12
Posted on: 2023-11-09