SEE Result 2077 with Marksheet

SEE Result 2076/ 2077 published !!!
The National Education Board (NEB) has published the results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) for the year 2076 B.S.The students have been graded based on evaluation conducted by their schools this year as the examinations scheduled for March could not go ahead due to Covid-19 breakout.
The schools had submitted the evaluation reports of the students, based on set standards, to National Examinations Board.As many as 482,986 students had filled the application form for the SEE of which evaluation reports of 472,078 students had been submitted at the NEB.
Meanwhile, students' grade sheet will be issued with NEB's certification after 15 days.
The results of the SEE has been published as per the letter grading system. Last year, the Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) had published the results of Secondary Education Examination (SEE) on Ashadh 12, 2076. Total 475,000 students had appeared in last year's SEE examinations towards regular category.
NEB has published the list of official websites and shortcodes for SMS/IVR by which students can check their SEE Examination Result.
click [ HERE ] to view ways to check SEE Results
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Posted on: 2020-08-17