International Conference at DAV Business School

DAV Business School is pleased to announce an International Conference on “Integrating Knowledge and technology for sustainable development” scheduled from 24rth March to 25th March, 2018 at DAV Business School, Kathmandu, Nepal.
The two day conference is intended to contribute in the development of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and business management practices for sustainable development of education and economy of Nepal.
With the presence and deliberation of prominent keynote speakers from countries like France(Prof. Karina R. Jensen), China(Dr. Yang Kaiju) and Nepal(Mr. Anil Chitrakar), the International Conference is bound to be an effective and impactful in the expected progressive economic growth of Nepal.
Around 50 quality research papers from various European, SAARC and other South Asian nations, creates a strong platform for interdisciplinary interventions which will interrogate existing critical assumptions, conceptual terms, and management frameworks. The two prominent sub-themes of conference are 'Role of Management Technology and Humanities in Sustainable Development' and 'Emerging trends in Management and Financial inclusions.
Finally, it would create a platform for dissemination of business intelligence along with research findings among research scholars, academician, entrepreneurs, experts and policymaker alike.
Hence, D.A.V. Business School invites to participate and support the successful completion ofthe international conference and be the part of the change we expect.
Key Note Speakers:
> Prof. Himendu P. Mathur, PhD: Allahabad Bank Chair Professor at FMS, BHU, UP, India.
> Prof. Karina R. Jensen, PhD: Director at the Center for Leadership and Effective Organizations and a Professor at NEOMA Business School in France.
> Dr. Yang Kaiju: Associate Professor and Supervisor of Master’s in Economic and International Trade Department, Hohai University.
> Mr. Anil Chitrakar: Social Entrepreneur, President, Siddharthinc, a private initiative dedicated to unlocking markets.
Posted on: 2018-03-15