Vacancy notice from Everest Bank Limited

Everest Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank having wide network of branches all over, Nepal is seeking applications from qualified, energetic and self-motivated Nepalese citizens meeting following eligibility criteria for the below mentioned positions.

1. Hydro Power Engineer – Deputy Manager (HPE/EBL/2024)
B. Tech/BE (Civil/Hydro) with specialization in various aspects of hydropower /infrastructures/ development.

8 years work experience and at least 3 years experience in project development, preferably in Hydropower construction/supervision.

2. Civil Engineer- Assistant Manager (CE/EBL/2024)
B. Tech/BE (Civil/Hydro) with specialization in various aspects of infrastructures projects.

5 years work experience and least 3 years experience in project development, preferably in infrastructure projects.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. The Bank reserves the right to reject any/all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever. Canvassing at any stage of the recruitment process shall render the candidate ineligible.

Please apply within 26th Ashad, 2081 (10th July, 2024)

click [ HERE ] to view original vacancy for more details and application procedure.

Posted on: 2024-06-26 , Deadline: 2024-07-10

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