Vacancy notice from National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL)

National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) is the government national reference laboratory under the Department of health services (DoHS) and Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP).
National Public Health Laboratory, under the Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal, announces vacancies on a contract basis for the remaining duration of the current fiscal year.
1. Medical Microbiologist
> No. of vacancies: 1
> Application Fee (NPR): 1,000
2. Medical Lab Technologist
> No. of vacancies: 1
> Application Fee (NPR): 1,000
3. Lab Technician/Phlebotomist
> No. of vacancies: 5
> Application Fee (NPR): 600
Application Deadline:
The application submission deadline is on Mangsir 17, 2081 (December 02, 2024).
click [ HERE ] to view original vacancy notice for more details and application procedure.
Posted on: 2024-11-18 , Deadline: 2024-12-02