Pokhara Engineering College
Pokhara, KaskiProfile
Founded in 1999 AD, Pokhara Engineering College (PEC) is the first college in the Western region to offer engineering education. It is affiliated with Pokhara University and CTEVT and offers a range of engineering programs at the master's, bachelor's, pre-diploma, and diploma levels.
Pokhara Engineering College is the fruitful outcome of the scholarly interaction among dynamic entrepreneurs, distinguished professionals and eminent intellectuals, who visualized the concept of an “Outstanding Educational Organization” having a unique academic philosophy abundant resources and adequate facilities to prepare the youth of today for creative and productive manpower.
To excel professional education and achieve the best on par with global context.
> To build up creative engineers imbibed with original ideas.
> To recognize as innovative institution and make findings truly assets of the nation.
> To indoctrinate the values of ethical standards in personal, social and public life and create leadership parallel to brilliant education as per the objective and need of the society and nation.
> To pursuit for excellence.