Mater Of Science In Clinical Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery
Affiliated to: Tribhuvan UniversityAbout Course
- Course Title : Mater Of Science In Clinical Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery
- Category/Level : Masters
- Course Duration (months) : 24 months
- Cost Range (NPR) :
- Affiliated to : Tribhuvan University
Course Description:
The goal of the programme is to train higher specialist doctors in the field of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) and Head and Neck Surgery having sufficient knowledge, skill and attitude toward the management and prevention of ORL and Head and Neck diseases. The MS graduate will possess relevant knowledge of basic science, pathology and allied subjects in order to achieve the goal of the programme. The MS graduate will possess proper attitude towards his/her work, colleagues and patients, be creative, be conversant with recent advances and be able to contribute to the scientific knowledge of ORL and Head and Neck speciality. The MS graduate will be able to recognize his/her limitations, limitations of equipment and support services at the place of work. Accordingly the MS graduate will be able to identify when, where and to whom to turn for information and guidance and be able to refer as appropriate.
Admission info
Eligibility Criteria
> The candidate must be a medical graduate having the MBBS degree or its equivalent from a university recognized by the Nepal Medical Council and must have completed one year of compulsory rotary internship. Must have worked a minimum of one year at a recognized health institution.
> Must have full registration with the Nepal Medical Council.
> Must take the entrance examination and quality.
> Must secure a minimum of 50% marks separately in each paper in order to qualify and to get placement in the merit list of successful candidates
> The candidates will be selected entirely on the basis of merit according to the number of available seats.
> The candidate once selected must sign a contract to stay on the entire duration of the course. However, the candidate’s admission to the course will be provisional for a period of six months. At the end of six months, the candidates will have to appear at an examination. The candidate will be expelled from the course if s/he fails to qualify in this examination. The candidate can be expelled during this period on disciplinary grounds also.
> Candidates registered for the course will not be allowed to enter other postgraduate programmes till the completion of the course.
Academic Regulations
The post graduate residents will go through a 3-year full-time residential training.
> The residents during the period of their training will not be allowed to indulge in private practice.
> The residents must be regular in their duties.
> A minimum of 80% attendance is required to be eligible to appear at the final examination.
Offered by
Colleges offering Mater of Science in Clinical Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (Tribhuvan University) are as follows: