MS in General Surgery

MS In General Surgery

Affiliated to: Tribhuvan University

About Course

  • Course Title : MS In General Surgery
  • Category/Level : Masters
  • Course Duration (months) : 36 months
  • Cost Range (NPR) : NA
  • Affiliated to : Tribhuvan University
Course Description:

This is a three-year residency programme started in 1994. This course is designed to help MS students to acquire adequate knowledge and skills in general surgery and surgical specialities. The students should be able to recognize and deal safely with a wide range of surgical problems resulting from trauma or surgical diseases. An MS graduate is expected to have broad knowledge of relevant basic sciences underlying surgical practical, have through understanding of normal anatomy physiology; have ability to identity and understand the pathology of abnormal; and have understanding of the scientific basis of investigations and treatment. The graduate will deveop technique of good interpersonnel relation with patient and his family, staff and community.

The development of appropriate attitude is one of the most important components of this training program. The MS graduate will be one, who is aware of his or her limitations, knows whom and when to turn for information and help, and can be relied on to refer as appropriate.


Overall objectives:
The MS graduate will be conversant will recent advances in general surgery, and surgical techniques; develop skills in carrying out clinical research, writing research report; work as a trainer in surger.


Admission info

Eligibility Criteria:
- The candidate must be have passed MBBS or its equivalent from any recognized university and must have complete compulsory rotating internship.
- Must have appropriate registration with the Nepal Medical Council.
- Must have a post internship working experience of one year in a recognized hospital.


Selection for Admission
A medical graduate with MBBS or equivalent degree, registered fully with Nepal Medical Council and who has served at least for one year in an approved health institution after completion of internship will be eligible to appear in the entrance examination conducted by the Institute of Medicine. Admission into the programme will be on the basis of merit determined by the entrance examination. Up to eight candidates are taken in each academic year.



Method of Training

  1. The post graduates student will go through a three-year full time residential training programme. A precepter will be designated for each student.
  2. The PG students will be encouraged towards self-learning type of educational scheme along with guidance from the teaching faculty members, the preceptor will function as a guide only.
  3. Formal lecture will be kept to a minimum; however, CME, clinical presentation, presentation in the journal club with be regular academic activity during MS course.
  4. Guidance will be provided in basic medical sciences by the teachers of basic medical science department during the first year, tutorials will be held in basic science subjects like Anatomy, Physciology, Pathology, Clinical Pharmacology etc.
  5. Clinical training will be provided by placing the PG students in surgical department rotating in deferent specialists of the valley group of hospitals like TU Teaching-Hospital, Bir Hospital, Patan Hospital and Kanti Children's Hospital. The PG student will work in outpatient Department, Inpatient Department and be on a 24 hours on duty calling of atleast twice a week. They will clerk the cases, do the management of patients under supervision and maintain the logbook. The increased responsibility in the management of the patient will provided in the 2nd year of training.
  6. Research topics for the thesis is selected at the end of fiscal year with the consent from the guide and the candidate has to submit the thesis writing.

Evaluation Scheme
The evaluation of the PG students in surgery will be devided into three phases.


Phase One
Evaluation of basic medical science paper. Twenty percent of total mark will be through the internal assessment.


Phase Two

During the second year of residency programme the students will conduct the research work to write their thesis. At the end of 2nd year, the guide will approve his/her thesis. and submit it to the examination section before appearing in the final MS examination. The student will defend his/her thesis in the first half of 3rd year and get it approved.


Phase Three
Basic medical science paper examination will be held in Phase three which will have both theory and practical examination. Main emphasis will be give on OSCE type of evaluation in practical examination. Pass mark will be of fifty percent in both theory and practical.
At the end of third year, final examination will be held which will have theory, oral and practical examinations. Twenty percent of marks is allocated to the internal assessment. Theory paper will have MCQ, short answer and a few essay type questions. Oral, practical will be more of OSCE type of examination.




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